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Is Someone Trying To Con Me?


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Actually you should give him a wrong address, and your account number (nothing they can do with it) and tell him you will only continue if they pay 10% as deposit, see what they say lol.

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  • Formerly EGOBFXR6
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There's another guy now - That's 3 all up...Robert Beaven, Ken Abad and Kenn Phillips.

I have no idea why...It's not a special car and I only put it on about 3 sites...

Oh well - I'll post the conversations soon!

Anyone on here want to buy my car :bum:

I'm gonna ask for a 10% deposit and his bank account details - hahahaha

I knew something was up - that's why I havent given any details at all...Is there someone I can report these idiots to?



Edited by EGOBFXR6
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I had what seemed to be a legit customer wanting 1,000,000 A5 single-colour flyers to be printed. Not a huge print job, but about $8k worth nevertheless.

He had broken english, but nothing that was outside of the norm and continually f'd me about with requotes and delivery requirements. He was trying to get me to send directly to Africa and when I said we didn't do International, he asked me to get a price for him, through HIS freight company, as he was busy and had to tend to his sick wive. I declined and never heard back.

His name.... Rev Jeff Wonder

How the F I got roped into wasting hours of time on the email with this dil is unknown to me. I just can't bring myself to shun away a potential customer - even those that sound iffy.

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LOL theres a website, cant remember its name, but they full on trick these people hey!

They make up fake names, like "Iluv Wang" and have full on conversations with them. Then they say things like they dont believe them..etc and to prove they are real, to take a photo of themselves holding up a sign with the persons name.

Pretty much, most of the time, they will get a photo back from the nigerian scammer holding up a sign with "ILUV WANG" written on it.

Its friggin hillarious!!


Some funny stuff right there. :ARFiring:

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  • Formerly EGOBFXR6
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I got an email back from him tonight!

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for your prompt email reply, I want you to know that my client will pay a deposite of $3,000 for the car first an when the shiiper is happy with the car will will make the remainig deposite into your account immiedatly.

If you agree on this provied the bank details so payment can be made immiedatly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Anticipating your usuall co-operation



--- On Thu, 4/24/08, Daniel Anastasi <danielanastasi@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Daniel Anastasi <danielanastasi@hotmail.com>


To: kenn_motor3@yahoo.com

Date: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 2:34 AM

Hello Ken,

If you are happy to go ahead with the sale, I would like a deposit of some sort - say 25% of the total purchase price so I know that you are serious. If your representative is unhappy with the car, I will refund it in total. If/when you agree to this, I will provide my bank account details.

Deposit would be off $6,000 AUD.

Thank you,

Daniel Anastasi

What do ya reckon? hahahahaha...


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