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Is Someone Trying To Con Me?


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  • Formerly EGOBFXR6
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Hey guys,

I'm not really sure if any of you guys can help me out but I've been trying to sell my BF XR6 as of late.

I got a series of emails from a guy in England claiming he wanted to buy my car, and that someone would come and collect it so he could ship it.

The lowdown is - he wants me name, address, ph number and bank acc details...

Below are the emails I've received - WTF?!?!?! Is this guy serious or what??? Can someone please tell me what the F%$K is GOING ON?!?!?!

Much appreciated guys!


EMAIL 1 after I contacted him about the enquiry I received via email.

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for the reply.I will like you to know that I am an Independent car dealer based in the United Kingdom and my client is an auto trader who buys this used

cars from Europe,America,Canada and Australia and sell them to African Countries for the sole aim of making profit and business making. Please, would you mind

answering these important questions below,to enable me know about the car my client is buying?

1, Is the engine in perfect condition?


2, How often do you service the car?


3, How many miles is the car at the moment?


4, Are you the owner before placing it for sale?


5, If yes, for how long did you use the car?


6, Has the car been involve in auto accident?


7, What about mechanical defulties on the car?


8,Your intension of selling the car?


9, Is the car automatic or manual ( gear )?


10,Bottom price of the car


We have to view more picture of the car such as,

( engine, body , seat , mileage , gear sector, wheel

and bumper. )

Get the folllowing for more convection to my client

pls be alart to all our e-mail, to make the

transaction a perfect and smooth one.

Thanks for your understanding..

God bless,

NB: For further enquiry call me on my



I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Hello Daniel,

Thanks for the reply.I will like you to know that I am an Independent car dealer based in the United Kingdom and my client is an auto trader who buys this used

cars from Europe,America,Canada and Australia and sell them to African Countries for the sole aim of making profit and business making. Please, would you mind

answering these important questions below,to enable me know about the car my client is buying?

1, Is the engine in perfect condition?


2, How often do you service the car?


3, How many miles is the car at the moment?


4, Are you the owner before placing it for sale?


5, If yes, for how long did you use the car?


6, Has the car been involve in auto accident?


7, What about mechanical defulties on the car?


8,Your intension of selling the car?


9, Is the car automatic or manual ( gear )?


10,Bottom price of the car


We have to view more picture of the car such as,

( engine, body , seat , mileage , gear sector, wheel

and bumper. )

Get the folllowing for more convection to my client

pls be alart to all our e-mail, to make the

transaction a perfect and smooth one.

Thanks for your understanding..

God bless,

NB: For further enquiry call me on my



I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Hello Daniel,

Thanks for your mail.I will like you to know that I am an Independent

car dealerbased in the United Kingdom and my client is an auto trader who buys this used cars from Europe,America,Canada and Australia and sell them to African Countries for the sole aim of making profit and business making.I wish to inform you due to time constraints on fact that we do not have much time, I have finalized with my client on your bottom price of $23,900.00, He said that I should inform you that,you should provied your Nominated bank account,so your money will be wired to you via your Nominated bank account. After pay has reached you our

agent will come for the pick up and drive to a prepaid shipper to be shipped to my customer,while

title papers and other necessary documents would be sent by you via

courier to my customer.

Please Confirm this and provide your

legal name...................

Telephone number...

Home Address .............

Your Nominated bank account info ......

Thanks for your understanding..

God bless,

NB: For further enquiry call me on my



I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Hello Daniel,

Thanks for your prompt email reply, I want you to know that you are in safe hands and you have nothing to worrie about.Furthermore it is becos my client is not around at the moment that is why he has decieded to use his private bank

( A N Z ) cos he has been banki9ng with them for over eight years now and prefers doing all his transaction with them so as to enable a frud free and safe transaction for both paties.

I want you to know that as soon as you verify with your bank the particular information my client will need to make the transfer of $23,900 in to your account

as soon as he makes the payment and it is cleared by your bank a prepaid shipper will be coming for the shippment of the car.



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Hello Daniel,

Thanks for your prompt email reply, I want you to know that you are in safe hands and you have nothing to worrie about.Furthermore it is becos my client is not around at the moment that is why he has decieded to use his private bank

( A N Z ) cos he has been banki9ng with them for over eight years now and prefers doing all his transaction with them so as to enable a frud free and safe transaction for both paties.

I want you to know that as soon as you verify with your bank the particular information my client will need to make the transfer of $23,900 in to your account

as soon as he makes the payment and it is cleared by your bank a prepaid shipper will be coming for the shippment of the car.



Most certainly a con, unless ofcourse we all like frud on our paties! :D

Edited by scar96
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It was all sounding legit until he got to this part in the 1st email:

sell them to African Countries for the sole aim of making profit and business making

It also looks like the person that sent the first 3 emails wasn't available to write the 4th, yet they claim to be the same person.

If you have passed on bank details I wouldn't worry too much because there is not a lot they can do without an internet banking password, unless of course you provided them with a credit card number.

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..and they always say god bless.. that sucks in those stup1d americans!

Hey I think I sent $25,000 bucks to that guys brother. It's cool though because he will split $7 million with me when he gets out of jail :spoton:

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Mate. do a google search on this. I had a run-in with some nigerian scum myself recently. That is most definately a scam. The nigerians are attracted to high-value items on ebay, like cars and laptops and things like that. Usually what they will do is convince you they are legitimate (well, try) and then they will try and convince you they have payed you the money through some sort of ESCROW service which will apparently 'Hold' your money until you provide the company with a tracking number. Apon receiving this tracking number the service will release your money and everyones happy. Except its all fake. So you ship your car, usually after they convince you they have payed they will tell you the item is now a 'Gift' for a 'friend' of theirs in Nigeria... but of course they are not Nigerian, they are a respectable car dealer in the UK!! Blah blah blah... So yeah, personally I would screw with his mind a bit just for some revenge, but its up to you. If you want pointers I made a post about this a while ago and attached a PDF of the conversations, funny stuff.

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