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Driving while on the phone


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  • The Noble Leader
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  • Member For: 22y 2m 20d
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  • Location: Sydney Australia

GRRR one thing that absolutely annoys me like anything is idiots on their mobile phones while driving.. the other day i had this girl change lanes like 100 times in front of me.. (i was doing the speed limit) i zoomed up at around 90kms in the overtaking lane and she pulled in front of me at around 60kms an hour. I ended up overtaking her in the left lane. Taking a quick look at her she was on her mobile phone..

Thats one thing that absolutely sh*ts me. :angry:

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Guest anthoc
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There's not a lot you can do about assholes on the phone. One of the Ford Proving Ground employees was killed last year by someone texting on the phone while driving. He was on his bicycle. Senseless death and the sooner they catch these morons the better.

I was in Boston recently and they actually allow you to talk on a handheld phone in the car. Reasoning - constitutional right to be an asshole. This is from a country where there are 11,000 deaths by guns every year...It all makes sense. We in Australia have no excuse.

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  • The Noble Leader
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That's even worse.. how can you concentrate and SMS while driving? You might as well read the newspaper or something and drive.. its the same thing..

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Here in VIC the Government have FINALLY worked out that something needs to be done. $135.00 fine and 3 demerit points. IMO Should be $1000 and 6 demerit points.

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  • The Noble Leader
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Here in VIC the Government have FINALLY worked out that something needs to be done. $135.00 fine and 3 demerit points. IMO Should be $1000 and 6 demerit points.

We have the same in NSW.. pity they dont seem to do anything about it.. driving to work i see so many people at least 5 a day on the phone.. my cousin got pulled over for being on the phone, the cop asked him why were you on the phone and driving.. my cousin responded he was lazy and forgot to put in the hands free. The officer replied no problem just make sure you use it next time..

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Guest Phantom
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I have more of a problem with people SMSing than talking on the phone. When you SMS or dial a number on a car phone your eyes are off the road.

As far as I know it is legal to pick your nose or eat an apple while talking to your passenger. Whats the difference?

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  • some guy...
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  • Member For: 22y 2m 19d
the other day I had this girl change lanes like 100 times in front of me.. (I was doing the speed limit) I zoomed up at around 90kms in the overtaking lane and she pulled in front of me at around 60kms an hour. I ended up overtaking her in the left lane. Taking a quick look at her she was on her mobile phone..

and rest assured that she is paying A LOT less in insurance premiums then me, you or most other guys because 'women take less risks'

it sh*ts me to no end! :angry:

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  • The Noble Leader
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  • Member For: 22y 2m 20d
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  • Location: Sydney Australia
As far as I know it is legal to pick your nose or eat an apple while talking to your passenger. Whats the difference?

is it legal to do both at the same time? :lol:

Wonder what the passenger would think :lol:

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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  • Member For: 22y 2m 22d
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  • Location: Outer east - Melbourne
When you SMS or dial a number on a car phone your eyes are off the road.

As far as I know it is legal to pick your nose or eat an apple while talking to your passenger. Whats the difference?

I agree, it is MORE dangerous to SMS or dial than talk on the mobile, but it is still dangerous to hold a phone while driving. Many studies have shown that even using a phone in a hands free kit can have significant effect upon the drivers awareness and reaction times while driving.

BTW it is illegal to not have full and proper control of a vehicle while driving so you can be booked for drinking a cup of coffee if the nice policeman decides that it impares your ability to properly control the car.

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Guest cralli
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Personally, having a hands free kit in my current vehicle, I find it can be difficult to concentrate on the conversation and the road at the same time...even if it is currently legal.

As I also ride a motorcycle I'd be wuite happy for it to be banned...period.

And yes, the penalties are currently rather inadequate.

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