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What Is Your Prefered Method Of Legal Racing?


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My wife and I regularly attend both kinds of events but I will mention a few reasons in favour of the 1/4 mile:

-it's cheaper

-less wear and tear on the car

-vastly less preparation required

-in many cases you need less licenses than competing on circuits so it's cheaper again (I.e. CAMS)

-it's something anyone can do with relative ease (obviously anyone can get down to the circuit but driving straight and trying to nail a good take-off is easier and less complicated than circuit racing)

-less risk to damage my car which I have bought with my hard-earned

-it's a simple yet effective yard stick against mates/enemies/etc

-it replicates very closely the kinds of activities that occur on the street. most people drag off the line at the lights and at some point call it quits (a few maniacs keep this going through streets). The 1/4 mile setup, while professional, still has that street feel

-In our case, Barbagallo Raceway isn't a very large circuit nor overly twisty or long so it's not like you have a large range of scenarios to keep you interested.

I have many reasons why I like circuit racing but most of these have already been covered so thought I would add another perspective,


Edited by ThundaBird
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Tisk, tisk, tisk....... T my man, let me point this one out to you.....

-it's cheaper - Until you start modifying the car

-less wear and tear on the car - Lets say different wear and tear.

-vastly less preparation required - Only if you want it to brake.

-in many cases you need less licenses than competing on circuits so it's cheaper again (I.e. CAMS) Until you mod the car and require ANDRA

-it's something anyone can do with relative ease (obviously anyone can get down to the circuit but driving straight and trying to nail a good take-off is easier and less complicated than circuit racing) True

-less risk to damage my car which I have bought with my hard-earned - False; ask a couple of the s15 owners that have slapped the wall at 1/2 track

-it's a simple yet effective yard stick against mates/enemies/etc - Again.... until you get done and upgrade/mod

-it replicates very closely the kinds of activities that occur on the street. most people drag off the line at the lights and at some point call it quits (a few maniacs keep this going through streets). The 1/4 mile setup, while professional, still has that street feel - Meh

-In our case, Barbagallo Raceway isn't a very large circuit nor overly twisty or long so it's not like you have a large range of scenarios to keep you interested. - Meh... I think it's tricky enough but understand what you are saying.

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Ah, no. Just saying that one is cheaper than the other is a little questionable.

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mods are all relative, it depends on how far you want to go - you can compete in both types of racing with a stock car, but I would say that stock suspension is more suited to drag than it is to circuit

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and my responses in italics underneath each point(lol this is getting confusing!)

Tisk, tisk, tisk....... T my man, let me point this one out to you.....

-it's cheaper - Until you start modifying the car

my main reference here was entry fees etc however if you want to get specific; I think you need to carry out more mods to get a car fast on a track than you do to get a car fast on a 1/4 mile

-less wear and tear on the car - Lets say different wear and tear.

now you're just getting picky :) More components are put under higher levels of stress on the circuit than the 1/4. Sure all components are still in use on both situations but the track provides the greater wear and tear to a broader range of car components

-vastly less preparation required - Only if you want it to brake.

granted on the point of braking but there are stricter requirements to getting onto a circuit than onto the 1/4

-in many cases you need less licenses than competing on circuits so it's cheaper again (I.e. CAMS) Until you mod the car and require ANDRA

95% of people are a fair way off from needing ANDRA to race, if not more. 100% of people need CAMS

-it's something anyone can do with relative ease (obviously anyone can get down to the circuit but driving straight and trying to nail a good take-off is easier and less complicated than circuit racing) True

-less risk to damage my car which I have bought with my hard-earned - False; ask a couple of the s15 owners that have slapped the wall at 1/2 track

granted but the regularity and potential for risk is lowered when you take away many of the variables that contribute to a crash; I.e. turning

-it's a simple yet effective yard stick against mates/enemies/etc - Again.... until you get done and upgrade/mod

while my main reference was stock for stock, since upgrades have been brought into the picture I somewhat agree. However most battles of manufacturers are won in the aftermarket, and my friends aren't going to begrudge a loss to me just because I am modified. Indeed it will garnish respect. This adds another level of competitiveness in the 1/4 scene

-it replicates very closely the kinds of activities that occur on the street. most people drag off the line at the lights and at some point call it quits (a few maniacs keep this going through streets). The 1/4 mile setup, while professional, still has that street feel - Meh

lol what does 'meh' mean. It may not be important to you, but there is a whole culture out there that wants to get street racing out of their system so they come down to the 1/4

-In our case, Barbagallo Raceway isn't a very large circuit nor overly twisty or long so it's not like you have a large range of scenarios to keep you interested. - Meh... I think it's tricky enough but understand what you are saying.

Good discussion anyway :) I like both but for your average Joe the 1/4 is more appealing for it's simplicity, lower costs and street similarities.


Edited by ThundaBird
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