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What Is Your Prefered Method Of Legal Racing?


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Just wondering what is everyones prefered form of motorsport to compete in?

I was born and raised in circuit racing and honestly can't see the point in drag racing (don't flame me, just stating my opnion), I mean, its all over in a matter of seconds, really about the only ability you need is a good reaction time at the start (at these street levels anyway) and then you have to line up again for another few seconds worth of racing.

The advantages I see in circuit is that the runs are longer, there is more competition all at once, you actually need to stop the car and turn corners, AND have the presence of mind to be able to think about what someone else is doing as well.

Anyway, can someone PLEASE enlighten me as to why it seems every man and his dog now only wants go out to the drags and also to know "what'll it do down the 1/4 mate?"

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I think the attraction of the quarter mile is its (relatively) consistant. I'm not say that driver input and track conditions arn't important (far from it) but its a lot easier to see how quick a car is with a quarter mile time. With circuit racing so many other factors come into play. I used to do a lot of quarter mile runs but I've just been doing track days lately, much more fun :)

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Just wondering what is everyones prefered form of motorsport to compete in?

I was born and raised in circuit racing and honestly can't see the point in drag racing (don't flame me, just stating my opnion), I mean, its all over in a matter of seconds, really about the only ability you need is a good reaction time at the start (at these street levels anyway) and then you have to line up again for another few seconds worth of racing.

Im with you mate. If you go to other forums say EVO or Skyline there is a lot more interest in Circuit racing. Out of the box the XR6T needs a few $$$$ spent to make it a viable circuit proposition however therein lies the challenge. To get semi serious the costs are higher than drag racing, and punters see greater risks on the circuit than drags.

Come down to Wakefield with us on 26 July



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Weight is the reason many are not interested in the corners.

Myself, I am a circuit racer from the Amaroo Park days, where I cut my teeth in a Sports Sedan.

I have modified my suspension, but the car is not meant to be a circuit weapon.

I am on the hunt for a Jap ex GT car, for a dedicated track car.

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I think this will be a hotly debated topic - the phrase "Don't Knock It Until You Try It" comes to mind. Drag racing - especially in a manual - is not an easy thing to be consistent at, it also has a level of set-up involved too. While I enjoy circuit battle, the T is for Drags, I'll get something light and fun for the circuit.

1 of 5, I think you should head out to WSID and give it a go, it may surprise you at how much fun it is!

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One vote for the drags. 2 main reasons..

1) I don't like running the risk of dinging up my vehicles, which is more likely with circuit.

2) It'd cost a bundle to get my TT cicuit-ready. :P

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RACEFPV, Can't afford to head down then as going down there on May 10th. and then Ocober at Oran park.

ZAP, What sort of sports sedan did you race, My dad and uncle were also into the SS's at Amaroo park (RIP) and Oran park (soon to be RIP) many years ago. Where I learnt to be biased I suppose.

POSTitute, I can see where your coming from and not meaning to knock it, that's why I want you to 'enlighten' me.

Honestly I will never get out to the drags, not to watch OR to compete as it just doesn't interest me but I want to know why it does it for you guys.

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It's kind of like nailing the perfect line on a trick off-camber, tightening corner mate, when you hit the launch just right at the drags, slot the next gear home and haul ass down the strip there is a different kind of adrenalin rush, the fact that there is someone next to you makes it more exciting and satisfying too. Hard to explain, better to experience - just like circuit racing and time attack.

Oh and thanks for the new name pal

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I had a XU1 LJ Torana with a 202 and tripple Webbers, RT38 Bathurst Charger and a KE25 Corolla with a turbo 2lt.

I broke my 1/4 mile virginity a couple of years ago and I enjoyed it, but I will always prefer the Circuit.

Headding out to WSID for a few runs is easy and much nicer on the car, than rocking up to Eastern Creek and doing 10 laps.

Both forms of racing are fun and challenging. There is no way anyone can say which is better.

Everytime I hit the circuit now, I just want to DRIFT.

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