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Mph Vs Rwkw List


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It can seem to defy logic but if you think about it you are getting off the line quicker therefore propelling the car faster so it's increase in acceleration will reach a given distance quicker at a lower speed.In essence you gain velocity in the first 60 feet propelling you forward via the launch and then power pushes the car as it covers the distance

Rob, in my limited drag experience I'm finding that a quicker 60' (say 0.1 better) and faster ET has marginally dropped rather than increased my mph by 1 to 2 mph in my auto.

It's a bit harder to get your head to understand it, and it seems to defy logic, so I'm going to try to work this out mathematically to see if I can prove it.

I think it's because if you have a good (or better) half track mph you'll complete the second half track more quickly, and have insifficient time to reach the mph that your accelerative capability could provide.

I have an applied maths background, so I tend to looks at numbers a bit differently.

I have a spreadsheet that where I have another rough way of comparing power, and that is by the average rate of acceleration of the car in the second half of the track, which takes into account half tack and full track speed, and the time taken to complete it. Of course gear shift times may infleunce results.

That leads to the other issue of peak power versus sustained power. Some people may have a good peak power level, but it drops off sharply (all over quickly). If you sustain the power/torque over a wider rpm you will have a good rate of acceleration. In the manual if you change to 4th in the second half track your average acceleration will be disadvantaged compered with a manual. In my 1st run in my manual F6 I believe I ran the entire 2nd half in 4th gear and picked up 47mph. My manual car is set is set up for sustained power up to around 7200 revs, so that gives you a different perspective on the matter.

I'm still new to all this, so I welcome comments from more experienced guys.


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BA XR6 Vortech Supercharged with 4.10 diff gears. 13.09 @ 109.6mph 2.102 60ft. Ambient temperature 20 degrees. Makes 243rwkw at 4800rpm then power dips to 230 then goes back up to 240 at 5600........have to get that sorted, damn BBM. Was my first time out after putting the intercooler on and retuning. Need more practice as it went 13.2 @ 106 non intercooled with a better quicker 60ft (2.07).

Edited by gpxr6
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  • G666E Turbo!!!
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completely satndard turbo. Went from 314rwks on 98 to 359 on E85. Surprised the boys at Nizpro how much more power they got as it was one of the first Fg's they tuned on E85. A big write up about it on Nizpro's newsletter. They tell me it's the fastest one in Oz with factory turbo. I was stoked with the outcome. For those who have not tried E85 it is a cheap way to gain HP. Of course it needs dyno time to get it tuned correctly. I now run it full time on E85 with std turbo and fuel pump without issue. It's my everyday drive :)

I heard this was running 21psi boost down low and the ZF said f*ck this I'm outta here

Sorry to hear that, great times for the little turbo, but seriously, I was pushing the whole stock turbo thing, for 2k and stacks less boost you can have a 10... I now have abandoned the small turbo idea

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128mph & 435rwkw with standard converter and zf (no Tune).

I was going to say you should be more like 132 - 135 mph with that power but then I realised a hub dyno was involved.

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more like 23psi. I like the idea of a little turbo and cross over, but I am beginning to c your point about the bigger turbo. Just means more money and then will definitely have to replace my standard fuel pump. As for my ZF going bang. It was fine at the track, but I did snap my input shaft when Nizpro was doing a ZF tune on the gearbox. Still reckon I can get a high 10 with standard turbo if conditions are right and launch is perfect.

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