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Canopy (carryboy) Removal/installation


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  • Member For: 17y 8m 6d
  • Location: Perth, WA

Is there an easy way to remove a carryboy canopy so that it is easily reinstalled later on?

My current canopy (came with ute) is installed with a strip of black sealant around the rim of the ute. How can I remove the canopy without destroying the "look" of the sealant? Or do I even need the sealant? I'd like to have a hardlid and canopy that are easily interchangeable.

Am I dreaming?

Edited by JJW1978
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 15d

I bought a Carryboy from Hanra earlier this year and fitted it, it still had all the sealant from when it was on his car and fitted snuggly on my car without having to seal it at all

So no definatly not dreaming

it really depends what type of sealer it is

if its silicone it will just come of with the canopy (if its been installed for a couple of years)

if its sika-flex then it will be alot harder

but you could easily run piano wire all the way along the join to cut it wouldn't be that hard at all

the only problem you might encounter is wether the hard top hinge parts conflict with how the canopy sits.



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  • Into the laaaake
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When I pulled that canopy off, I had a mate jump in the tray and I was on the outside, we dragged some fishing line along the top edge of the tray, that sliced through the sealant. Did take a while but managed to get it all off pretty cleanly in one go.

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  • Member For: 17y 8m 6d
  • Location: Perth, WA

cool guys thanks for your help :)

I was pretty much thinking along the same lines as what you suggested but I just wanted to hear it from someone else that had actually done it.

whilst we're on the subject, is there much demand for second hand canopies out there if I decide to sell it? it's in top condition of course.

thanks again.

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  • Member For: 17y 3m 15d
whilst we're on the subject, is there much demand for second hand canopies out there if I decide to sell it? it's in top condition of course.

thanks again.

Depends what the next person is willing to pay

I needed one in a short time frame for work stuff

there are a couple of different generations ie wether you have round tube carry racks on top/ or none at all

to the latest with the powdercoated black triangular shaped carry racks (also rear window badging changed)

from all the way across the top of back window 1st gen to 2nd gen on the inside

if its got internal carpet and tinted windows you'd get a decent amount for it!

as for me selling mine and shipping another

nup not going trough that again! although it was fine to do its a lot of risk! esp. the amount of glass in the canopy!



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