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Motorvation 2009


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You should be right Mike :gaypost:

The T's that were on display at Motorvation 08 weren't very impressive (bar 1 special black Phoon :msm:) so I'm sure they'd love to get a few decent ones in next year!

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Yeah Mike

We got asked to put ours in this year but didn't think that it was good enuff, apparently we were wrong and we haven't done that much.

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Guys and girls, you gotta give yourself more credit :)

Look at the MWS cars. Visually pretty clean and fairly standard (lowered, some had rims and tint) but obviously pretty special!

Lets face it T's are pretty plain to look at but it'll be 2009 and im sure Peter Pike and the MV guys will understand that you dont need a car that sticks out if it makes reasonable power with aftermarket brakes etc.

Last year I ended up in performance park and the only visual was tint. IMHO (and im sure JME, Ramon will correct me) they encourage groups and people doing dyno comps, driving events etc.

Last year there were some sh*tTA's. VW beetle that kept braking down, VN's worth 5K etc.

Not everyone will get in but I reckon if we get in straight away (ALL entries go in at once as a group. Nothing else) 80% will be ok. We can organise a camping pass for those few who dont.

Entry fee will be NEEDED with your entry (MAY) (or you can give them your C/Card details and they will process it few weeks / months later). Not sure about the extra costs. Perhaps we can just put a deposit down on marquee / coolroom. Not sure if you can (JME??) but that would be a way we can all save cash

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Also guys, the majority of the XR6T's and F6's I saw last year (maybe less than 10?) were close to stock. IE monza fmic, lowered, tint.

One F6 who was opposite perth-wrx / antilag guys last year was a stocker. Not to mention a stock 33 with stereo and some lightly modded SS's. Gives you an indication that you dont need a daily driven 9 sec head turner! Would be fun though :w00t2:

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OK Guys n Gals

We really need to start and get this moving along, giving us a better than average chance of being accepted.

If you are serious about entering Motorvation 2009 can you pls add your name to the list, AND send me an , email with your contact details, you may also like to let me know of anybody who has done some work for you that may be interested in sponsoring us.The aim will be to have a marquee, cool room and shirts along with a "public choice" prize for best one of our cars - (see how we go with this last bit)

At this point Motorplex cant give prices but shouldnt be too different from Motorvation 2008



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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I'm 110% serious about my car going into Motorvation 09.


P.S Thankyou for organising this for us Deonie + Mat :)

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As Deonie has said, email her to get more information about entering BUT you have 6 weeks or soto get us the following:

-Email Deonie to express genuine interest.

-Name and details of your car or cars your entering, address

-List of mods or mods that are being completed. (dont just say upgraded clutch for example. You would say AP racing clutch to handle 500rwhp etc. Bit of poetic license makes it sound better lol)

-5 or 6 reasonable photo's. Side, rear, interior, front, engine

-What events you want to do (dyno, burnout comp, go to whoa, grass driving etc). Burnout comp costs money but you get it back and you'll be up against the big boys!

(This is all how you accumulate points to become champion club!)

-CASH ROUGHLY $150 will cover your entry and a camping and breakfast pass. Theres something about a burnt, horribly cooked bacon and egg muffin that goes down ok with a free choc milk!.!If you enter, you really wanna camp. We've all seen the videos!

If you dont have the cash or would prefer credit, you can give your credit card details and the money will be taken out when its processed by the plex in August etc.

Would prefer we only submit digital photo's. If any of you guys dont have access to a digital camera, Both Deonie and I have DSLR's and she's SOR and im NOR, so we can help with all that (and any questions you have).

We arent exactly sure whats happening with the other costs / sponsors etc but we have worked out how much tent and coolroom hire is so if worse comes to worse it may be an extra $150 between 10 of us +/-.

After all entries are recieved we will gather everyone together at a pub / cafe and have a chat about what you guys need to bring (beers, BBQ, bourban, thongs for the shower etc!) and what the costs will or who the sponsors are!

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