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Geez it's been a while since I've been on.


Just finished watching all of Steve @discostig 's Racewars videos, great work from him as usual.


@k31th I see you are keeping your post count up with Good Morning's, as per usual :thumbsup:

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Yeah I know that feeling, fingers crossed sometime in January the Coroner's report comes out for dad and I can finally get probate, then I can start sorting everything out with the house etc.


It's been non stop busy since March at both work and with dealing with the estate, so I'm looking forward to figuring out what to do with the Falcon, I've had it 5 years now since October 2014 and it still puts a smile on my face when I see it and drive it, which hasn't been much as I've been using dads car to keep the K's down on mine.

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Yeah the hard part is deciding what to buy for the budget, I've set aside $10K for upgrades (I can go higher but I have plans for solar and a car hoist which are definite to do's), I'm thinking the Monsta Torque stage II gear box for one thing and the rest depends on if I ever get to sort out this rough idle I have.


It's bloody weird.


The tuner hooked up his diagnostics machine and it showed cylinder 3 is down around 20% on power.


He did a compression test and it was fine.


I had the injectors tested and they were fine.


I swapped the fuel filter as I had it replaced 6 months prior but thought I might as well try as it's cheap and something I can do myself, no change.


Swapped the plugs and coils as it was around 125K's on the clock....and it ran perfectly for 4 days....then started acting up again, almost like the computer had learned...I was pretty p1ssed when that happened.


Then dad passed and I've been lucky to drive it about 20 times on weekends since March.


Driving around at speed and accelerating you don't notice it at all, in fact even though the tuner loaded an injector only tune for troubleshooting, the car acts perfectly except for this idle.


One thing that he did find weird though, is that after the injectors only tune was uploaded, it's now out by 4KPH, which he said shouldn't happen as the tune doesn't affect that setting.


So I'm wondering if the ECU might be the problem.


What made troubleshooting that much harder, was that I had the battery relocated to the boot, a new third party car alarm, and a service including throttle body clean all done within weeks of each other.


I swapped the alarm out for another brand 3 months ago because if I left the car 2 days or sometimes even overnight, it would have problems cranking over or the BT module would turn off due to not enough power, since then none of those issues even if I leave the car for 5 days straight.


I tested the battery (Optima Yellow top) before and after turning the engine on and the voltage was perfect.


Here's the other head scratcher, sometimes it idles rougher or smoother depending on the fuel level, I find if the needle is just under the half way mark, it starts idling smoother, the same when it's under 100K's left.


Luckily I decided before he passed, to get a daily for the 150K's a day to get to and from work, so I can keep the Falcon long term and keep the K's down on it. so then I can take more time sorting it out.

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sounds like a weird and unusual problem if the tuner changed all of that (or at least advised to) and didn't actually fix it...

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Yep it's a PITA to sort out, that's for sure.


I'm wondering that considering the car will be 10 years old in November 2020, is it worthwhile getting a spare ECU for if it ever fails?


One other thing as part of the troubleshooting, for quite a while there was feedback - not coming through the speakers though - which was noticeable when accelerating, if I took my foot off the accelerator, it stopped.  It was very low but still audible and the best way of describing it is like a sewing machine, when  you would accelerate the pitch would go up. 


This was after the service where the throttle body was cleaned/


After I removed the bluetooth dongle I had connected to the ODBII port, the problem went away.  It wasn't one of the el cheapo eBay specials either, I got the ODBLink unit https://www.obdlink.com/mxbt/


It seems so many things can contribute to a rough idle issue, ground problems, hell one person asked me what the temps were either side of the cat in case the material was clogging it, I haven't done that yet either.

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