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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Good evening chaps.

hows everyone tracking? 

Nice that tonight’s a balmy 18 at the moment instead of minus six. 


Freaking feeling exhausted as feck... 

major proposal finished off for work today and now on the CEOs desk which is exciting and daunting. 

Then on a personal business side Dealing with a vacate of a delinquent tenant who trashed the place and going through insurance and agents and trades, selling a house for which settlement has now blown out on because our bank is retarded so not settling tomorrow but instead smashing through forms allowing occupancy of the property in the mid term for our purchaser, then the acquisition of another property including, the building contracts on two new builds which have been paperwork hell, the subdivision documentation and surveying as well as demolition, disconnection of services, the lease agreement on a property we just agreed to which has been pushed back 3 days for move in date... plus trying to let my skeleton not fall apart lol and if I have to look at another addendum or deed of notation I’ll stab someone. 


I need a valium and another 20 hours sleep. 


On the up side j@ took me to the show last night and we had a great time losing majorly at the carnival rides lol. Was awesome fun.

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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 12y 10m 4d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Central Coast
On 01/09/2019 at 7:52 AM, arronm said:

Is it the last bolt at the rear of the head.   That one always seems to be an issue.

Very front stud on the lower side.


Its off and the turbo is off to procharge for its inspection. 


Im there at Wakefield to have fun. Throwing the boat around the track is excellent

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