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So as I've been staying at dad's during the week & going to my place on weekends, I've noticed - especially when I've missed a weekend due to working the weekend too - the battery is so low that sometimes it takes a while to turnover before starting.


So I found this group of posts recommending battery chargers and I have a few question.



As my battery is in the boot, is there a charger I can plug in, that I can close the boot and set the car alarm etc or are the cables too thick for the boot to close?


Or would this be dangerous due to build up of gasses seeping into the cabin from he boot? If that is a thing.


This will only be for the car, any recommendations out of these ones? https://www.projecta.com.au/chargenmaintain-features




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Yep, we have new email and web security appliances, so of course there's teething problems, which is not impressing some of the staff that now can only get to Failbook etc. between 12 - 2PM.


Considering the last place I worked, I saw the impact people sitting on social media all day has on their colleagues that then have to work around them or worse take up their workload, I definitely understand why it's been done.

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I've got https://no.co/g7200 for the trickle charge on the bike and for the car if ever needed or the occasional battery reboot


Has (as far as I can tell) very decent maintenance and "repair" modes


14 minutes ago, Ezy2Confuze said:

Or would this be dangerous due to build up of gasses seeping into the cabin from he boot?

Should be a sealed battery - no fumes?

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  • WOT?
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  • Member For: 12y 12d
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199
3 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:


The GE Cyclotron is housed in a concrete bunker in the basement of the South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) and is one of 4 cyclotrons in Australia.

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