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  • Puff
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You aren't overweight ay?


Buy a blood pressure machine and check it yourself. You might not have consistently high blood pressure. It could have been a "doctors visit only" event or a strong cup of coffee that did it.


Change your diet and alcohol habits if your blood pressure is high. If it is consistently high with a good diet and no alcohol or caffeine, consider medication.


Cycling 30km per day has no place in fixing a diagnosis of high blood pressure. If your gp was concerned it is too high, you'd be on medication right now and would have had a full blood panel done.


Ask for the blood work to be done if you are worried about it.

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17 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

You aren't overweight ay?

I am, actually...unfortunately. Weight was 105kg (I should be 75-80). BP was 170 and definitely not just a doctors office occurrence.


21 minutes ago, k31th said:

get ready for max chafing, then :)

MTB shorts have an inner liner to stop that 🙃

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  • Puff
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Holy shieet. Last I heard you were 80 something. Well mate, don't kill yourself on the bike, just get those calories and macros under control, stop drinking and walk for half an hour a day.


You don't need to go hard on the exercise, you just need to have a gentle correction. You do have to take the diet and drinking seriously though.

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Hope you can sort it quickly Dan. As Puff says, a bit of walking and decent diet would shed weight pretty quick.

Sort of related, but I've been on blood pressure medication since I was about 19. 37 now. Went to get a prescription repeat and the doctor couldn't believe I'd been on that medication for so long without a doctor reviewing it. There is apparently much better stuff now than what I was on, and my stuff weakens your heart!! Point is, pays to make sure your doc is giving good advice!

I've been lowering the dose gradually and checking BP daily for a couple of months. Down to a quarter of my original dose and BP still fine, so I may not need anything at all ongoing.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I’m inclined to agree with Puff. 

GPs are all too happy with “loose some weight” as a solution to everything without often seeking the cause. 


I put on in a couple of kgs due to being inactive due to pain and my doctors advice was to lose some weight and I’d be fine. He told me to lose some weight and get back to the gym and I’d be fixed (coz that fixes not being able to move your arms some days). After months of arguing and pushing I finally got to a specialist and found out I have an incurable crappy bone and muscle tissue disease which is going to disable me and as such am starting biological therapy in two weeks to try and slow the progression. 


At at your age, even at 20kgs over weight, high BP seems an excessive side effect and doesn’t seem to be indicative of the amount of weight you’re carrying imo. I’d be asking more questions as to why it’s high over and about weight.... medication may be needed even when you’re lighter eventually. 

Just make sure u look after ya self and get another opinion if necessary and in the mean time make ya healthier choices and exercise and like puff said buy a monitor from the chemist and measure yourself to monitor for any changes. A lot of people get higher readings due to anxiety at the doctors for example. 


Good luck either way bud! 

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When I was larger previously I had a home blood pressure monitor and recorded my readings. Diet was terrible and as I lost weight and ate better my blood pressure went down to normal.


Either way I should be exercising regularly - but walking etc means extra time I need to factor into my day. Riding would eliminate that, essentially.

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  • Puff
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4 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

Diet was terrible and as I lost weight and ate better my blood pressure went down to normal.


Same here.


4 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

Riding would eliminate that, essentially.


Mate if you think you can handle it then go for it. Going from fat hole to riding that far to work is a big leap though. Think about all that extra stress being placed on your tendons, joints and tendon sheaths. I wouldn't be surprised if you got some form of rsi, jumping in the deep end like that. I wouldn't recommend it but you know yourself better than I do. If it sucks at least you can start driving again.

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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I'd have to build up to it , no way I could go from where I am now to riding 30km a day 5 days a week straight away.

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What all these^ guys said


But buy a bike for sure cos cool...


Are you into riding other than fitness/transport? I mean would you throw it in the vtec and head out to what you guys call hills in Perth for a burn on the weekend?

Or are you a road bike sorta guy

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