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1 minute ago, k31th said:

 the Earth is billions of years old


1 minute ago, k31th said:

 a "guess" which are almost exclusively proven to be incorrect


there, you said it yourself :rofl:

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  • WOT?
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Have a watch of "Behind the Curve" on Netflix - a good glimpse at the "flat-earthers"


Clip below for a sample:

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I guess the problem with people who have unwavering commitment to their own beliefs is that regardless of any evidence produced they will only dismiss it and root their feet more firmly in the ground of their own agenda/cause.


Being objective doesn't exist for some people, despite the fact they believe they are being completely objective, yes Keith this is you to an extent, and it truly is a mental illness in extreme cases whereby someone believes they're being totally objective and sensical, however insist their reality is the only one or the truth and this is where we see extremism and all that jazz.


There is a term for it:

Confirmation Bias- Only seeking out information that supports one's beliefs, while ignoring any evidence that contradicts.
Both religious and non religious (atheists) people are guilty of this more often than not.


The fact remains...that if I said.... "God intended for this to happen and he's questioning peoples faith by producing false evidence to see who the non believers are" (no I'm not saying this is true or correct its just an example), you would have 0 ways of proving my statement wrong.... literally 0.... ipso facto if we want to go on a proof basis then you have no proof to your statement... as in fact I have no proof for mine, so we're both theoretically as naïve as each other... so how can you hinge a belief system on something which technically cannot be disproved or proven at this time?


Also, the sheer fact someone who spends so much time on the internet is denying atheists have become pushy and abusive to their cause is Ludacris. It's a daily occurrence where someone of any religious denomination is bullied, put down, slammed or abused for their belief systems because of so called "scientific evidence", most of which has come from Dr Google or Wikimoronpedia. The tables in western society have turned from the church dictating things to any religious group being more of a minority who are ridiculed for their beliefs. (I'm not saying this is what youre doing Keith im saying that's what the current trend is).


I promote healthy discussion regarding religion because I truly believe no one knows the answer so its great to see others view points.

Edited by HRM Fluff of Cornwall
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  • WOT?
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There's a heap of subtle direction in the video:


"We're not grown men living in their mums basements"

(cut to the main "expert" on the show - walking back to his mums house)


"This machine doesn't even work - shows how incapable NASA is" (pushing on the start button on the overhead screen)

(cut to the very big "Start" button the onscreen instructions were saying to press)


Love the bit with the laser gyroscope - "We won't release that info"

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