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  • Puff
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I ran out of beer so thought I'd contribute to this ohmo convention. 


Here's a true story; 


Back in 2001 a mate was driving his xf falcon sedan, with his missus in the front and her brother and me in the back. We were south of Adelaide and apart from the main road, I hadn't driven around that particular suburb.


My mate, the carnt, needed a part for his car.


Me being a puffwagon, decided I would "magic" him his part and told them as much.


They didn't believe me and I was pretty much bsing them anyway but I didn't tell them I was though. 


I said to my mate, "turn down this road coming up on the left and pull over where that pole is, halfway up the street".


He did and there was a bloke in the front yard wrenching on the same type of falcon. 


My mate got out, spoke to the dude who sold him the part he needed. 


As we drove off they were all like wtf was that sh*t?!


Fark knows how I pulled that one off and that isn't the only "unexplainable" thing I've come across.


There is some hippy bs going on out there and I've noticed it more in SA than other states, but I ignore it for the most part.


Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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4 hours ago, k31th said:

haha doesn't mean I won't discuss basically any topic :)



it's the admission of being wrong that stunned me


17 hours ago, k31th said:

 but I'm aware of my own  fallibility, too.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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J@ and I have many discussions on these topics as I have had some weird stuff in particular happen to me and I have pulled some weird knowledge out my arse that I shouldn’t know and has no relevance.

Watching a doco and point out a location in America or England I’ve never been to but know what’s near there or it’s familiar for no reason, 

answer jeopardy history, maths etc based questions 8/10 correct even though I have almost no knowledge of the topics. 

See things, hear things, feel things... which are unexplainable but turn out to be true or accurate which you couldn’t have foreseen. 


When I I was a child and moving into adolescence I used to have déjà vu at least ten times a day, to the point I could tell you what was about to happen, as an adult I still have it very frequently. I can remember dreams I’ve had from when I was about five and I remember talking to deceased family members when I was young. I told my mum when I was four that pa was biting me.... turns out my mums dad who was deceased had no teeth and used to bite people as a joke. 


Then there are lots of odd occurrences as an adult with more developed paranormal occurrences that have happened to me which are more personal so I won’t go into them, but they’re all to much for a coincidence. 


One theory I have run through was that people who are more aware... both spiritually and common sense wise, have lived before and therefore just “get it”. You know those people who walk around oblivious to life, no common sense, no awareness in general.... maybe it’s coz they’re new at it. Not saying reincarnation or parallel universes etc exists but just interesting thought process around all that sort of stuff.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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They were also responsible for the deaths of thousands of people for no justifiable reason and harboured a culture of child molestation and cover ups amongst peadophiles.... oh wait... that’s still current... my bad.



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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Pfftttttt.... I’m sitting here for the 9th hour in nearly 40 degrees with a generator and portable poo aircon in my office (which is huuuuuge and made of glass) ... my brain is too tired to come up with anything more creative LEL 

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  • Is on holiday from communism
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@Miss Cornwall


Have you tried astral projection, only way I can explain it is stay awake while you fall asleep and relax. You will feel your body sink into the bed, your body will feel like stone. You'll feel like your being attacked though but once you get a little stronger dont see why it should be pleasurable.


The more you do it the easier it gets, I did it for about 2 weeks, but it got too much for me, I think my mind is too weak for it. I dont know how to control anything. 


Might start again tonight, look it up, then you'll see what you have to do. 


The craziest thing that happened was like I was looking through a  calidescope. But it was everywhere I looked in the room. No I wasn't drunk or high Fark ya.


I snapped myself out of it real fast because it feels like your falling and anxiety sets in hard haha.

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