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Ever had a experience in life that you'll never forget? 


Seeing a ghost or having something happen that feels real.is something you dont forget. That's how could explain it anyway




Always have that number in my head, I dont know why. I can't forget it.

Edited by I love kittens
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I feel like all of my experiences are real, just like everybody else, but I'm aware of my own implicit biases and fallibility, too.

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1 hour ago, I love kittens said:



Are you even a real hamster? You talk like human.

man he hell needs to change his avatar, I uploaded that photo to take the piss. I think the hamster with the steam coming out of it's ears as if it was angry would suit better.

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3 hours ago, I love kittens said:

Ever had a experience in life that you'll never forget? 


Seeing a ghost or having something happen that feels real.is something you dont forget. That's how could explain it anyway




Always have that number in my head, I dont know why. I can't forget it.


Lets buy some sh*t online and see what gets delivered 😀😉




























yes I know its 1 digit to long

Edited by MBAF
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11 hours ago, k31th said:

 but I'm aware of my own implicit biases and fallibility, too.


I can't bloody believe what I'm reading

are you sure Mrs Hamstinator hasn't got hold of your password and is playing a cruel joke?

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17 hours ago, k31th said:

None of them are real, though. I don't care how spoopy you make your story, it's all BS to me. But I'm a filthy skeptic. :idunno:

That's the easiest way out.....



Never had anything happen to you that reason/science/coincidence couldn't explain?

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1988/9 I was doing a weekend course in Geelong and stayed a the house of a family friend - I didn't really know him but was close with his parents. He would have been mid to late 20's and pretty involved with the local footy team. I was 18-19.


On the Friday night I let myself into his house (he was renting in a commission area) and made myself at home. Had never been there before, but he left the door open for me and was out for the evening at a footy do.


I settled into the lounge and watch telly for a few hours before heading to bed. I heard him come home around midnight, make himself a coffee (boiled kettle etc) and sandwich in the kitchen and clean up after himself. I was expecting him to come into the lounge and meet me, but he just headed straight to his room & I didn't hear any more from him that night. I went to bed shortly after.


While settling down in bed (was reading, so wasn't dreaming) the tree outside my window kept scraping on the window, the clothesline kept rotating in the wind (not a noise that could be mistaken for anything else) and the cows in the paddock next door kept mooing.


I left early the next morning for the course so didn't see the other guy before I left. His dishes from the night before were neatly stacked in the kitchen though.


When I returned that night I introduced myself to Brian and we started chatting.


He didn't come home that night when I had clearly heard him and what he was doing. The dishes weren't mine and he hadn't been there to make them


There was no tree outside my window.


There was no clothesline in the backyard.


We were in the middle of suburbia - there was no paddock next door, just houses for miles around, and definitely no cows anywhere nearby.


Over the weekend the back door was opened several times after I had locked it and overhead cupboards in the kitchen were open upon returning to the kitchen.


Nothing felt freaky or disconcerting at all over the weekend, was just taken for granted that there was something not quite normal about the house. Brian had had the local footy team leave en-mass previously because of freaky occurrences and a lot of his friends refused to even set foot in the place.


For some reason I've always taken the occurrences over the weekend as nothing extreme or (in a way) out of the ordinary. It's weird to tell people about it, but not feel the same sense of disbelief that they do. Have never really been a believer in ghosts/paranormal or any such stuff and still aren't really. I know what happened over that weekend was something beyond the normal, but it hasn't actually made me a believer as such. I know someone (something) was present in the kitchen while I was alone in the house & the noises I heard were real and as I described them but also that they could not have been there given the reality of the situation. If someone ask me if I believe in "ghosts" I would probably say no, but at the same time be able to tell them about my experience with them - sounds strange, but feels right in some way.




Another time 2002/2003 I took my son to Montselvat (sp?) which is a huge property out of Melbourne that used to be an alternative artists commune. (they filmed one of the Interview with a Vampire movies there - the one with the girl who later died in a plane crash). There is a lot of pretty awesome architecture around the place. A lot of the rooms and areas definitely have a certain atmosphere.


Anyway, my son who was probably three at the time was able to tell me that certain areas were special and had history/presences. There was a pool in particularly that he was able to talk about as if he had been there previously and seen certain rituals or practices take place. This is from a 3 year old who was given no pre-conceived ideas and isn't given to talking this way. There are rumours of devil worship, witchery and occult having been practised on the grounds, the previous head artist is supposed to have been buried on the property standing up with a huge rock placed directly on top (to stop him getting out?) and actually saw the skin of a cat (fresh) spread out and pinned on a work bench surrounded by candles in an area that wasn't meant to be accessible to the public.

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