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  • Puff
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5 minutes ago, MBAF said:

I got the qualification

So what is your exact fitness or health qualification?


5 minutes ago, MBAF said:

you were disagreeing then proved that what I was saying had merit lol

Bollocks, I never disagreed with that point. You used a strawman argument there mate. Check the post history.


9 minutes ago, MBAF said:

I can get away with it at current

2 minutes ago, MBAF said:

im starting to get into a big fat carnt

Contradict yourself much? Maybe it's time to start intermittent fasting bro...

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lol nothing contradictory about it. If I was completely sedentary and ate 4000cal id be a fat carnt like you :P, to which im not, however im storing a little fat around the abdomen because im not as active as what I was or need to be lol or I could just drop my calorie intake to what I need rather than over eating but I like food.

Edited by MBAF
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  • Puff
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Ha you might be for all we know!


It depends upon your personal standard of how much fat is acceptable. It's contradictory as it reads though innit. 


How tall are you? You'd be a lot fatter than me if you ate 4000 and were sedentary. I'm 6ft and maybe a month after I stopped lifting, 3500kcal saw me as high as 110kg.

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I wouldn't say im fat to most people but for my standard its unacceptable and that comes from a) being to hard on myself and b) my past life and maybe future life although im assuming that wont make sense to a lot of people, but I think you will get it


im 5'11


9 minutes ago, k31th said:


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  • Puff
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Yeah I get it. I'm only fat around the middle but nothing that 4 months of a fixed diet wouldn't fix. Still too fat for me but I don't look out of place in the general public.


Back to the weather...here's the max shed and shade temps at my house today. I took the two year old outside to chuck a nappy in the wheelie bin and she was covering her face, it was that hot. 



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