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6 minutes ago, k31th said:

use a pc? lol


wasn't home and now I'm eating 


Just now, Puffwagon said:

Ain't nobody got time to read an essay.


you need too maybe if you think 60g of protein is enough even if you are doing nothing....that's protein deficiency without even knowing your exact details which means you are already suffering muscle loss just being sedentary before any form of movement let alone burning energy sources while you sleep and then fasting in the morning....

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  • Puff
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Even this isn't enough detail but it's something...


I didn't say I eat 60g per day, I said that's all I would need. Lol my muscles are quite intact despite the lack of lifting.


Anyhow without knowing a whole lot of details about someone, you can't make an argument one way or the other for skipping breakfast or dinner.


I skip breakfast because if I eat breakfast it speeds my metabolism up, makes me hungrier and then I want to eat lunch and dinner too. Adding another meal a day will make me fat as hell. I'd rather not feel hungry or get any fatter so the best thing for me is to skip breakfast as I'm not hungry in the morning.


I've maintained a steady weight like this and when I pull my finger out (when it cools down a bit) I'll start eating breakfast, counting macros and eating different macros at different times of the day according to a bunch of different variables.


Haha I didn't make all those gains in the space of ten months by guess work 😋


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regardless of your point, I bet you don't eat all night before you sleep and then fast so you are already depleted don't need details to tell you that, as far as gains go it takes approximately the following so your 10months was for not much and that's without factoring BMR for being sedentary let alone anything


about 2 weeks for aerobic fitness to decline

about 4 weeks for any strength gains to decline <-- this is not factoring in muscle density and that is regardless of diet and given yours has been sh*t according to you, its likely to be worse and about 8 weeks for muscle loss without resistance training


I only said you shouldn't fast because you are slowing down your metabolism and storing excess fat (which is obviously what you are already doing hence being "fat") rather than having a high metabolism and being sedentary. I know which one I would prefer but hey what would I know right, I'm only qualified in the area


ill put it like this, if you don't eat the required amount on calories (macro specific and not enough) and you fast the body starts to think its in a starvation state and will instantly store fat regardless of anything else.


this is why the majority of people who eat inconstantly and randomly and not enough are usually more out of shape. This is very noticeable on females around the thighs, arse, arms and of course the little pregger belly and I use that example because that's who you will notice more.


here is a perfect example maxresdefault.jpg

edit:- waits for keith to move it to the training thread...

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  • Puff
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I eat two meals per day and don't gain or lose weight and aren't hungry. If I ate breakfast and skipped dinner I would still eat two meals per day, wouldn't gain or lose weight but would be hungry as all hell all afternoon and evening.


I've tried it both ways and have experienced the outcome first hand, which is why I choose my skipping breakfast method.


Being qualified doesn't mean that your preference is suitable for me.


What is best for someone isn't always what someone chooses. Lol I've tried to get hamster man to lift differently so he actually makes some gains 😜 but do ya think he would listen to me?!?! I overtook him in the space of about 6 weeks of lifting, even though he had a year of lifting under his belt.


It's because he has a preference, just the same as I do.

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I'm definitely not looking to gain tons of muscle mass and be super strong. I'd prefer the practical strength and flexibility and with remaining reasonable cardio, so it's no surprise you overtook me easily.

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100kg and 30% bf isn't something to brag about 😂😂


22 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

I eat two meals per day and don't gain or lose weight and aren't hungry.

22 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Being qualified doesn't mean that your preference Is suitable for me.

these are some stupid things to say. 2 meals a day is no where near enough calorie intake to meet your minimum requirements. That's not my preference that's how it is. BMR exist for a reason and wether or not you are gaining or losing you are still replacing the muscle tissue with fat. That's FACT and science.


Go have a dexa scan and post results. count your macros of at least meeting your BMR calorie wise and don't train for a few months and post your results. I bet I know what the results will be

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