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  • Is on holiday from communism
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Found out today my sister wants the government to pay for her kids to be in daycare while she sits at home and sponges of her husband. She doesn't work, refuses to work and was told she gets nothing.


Silly bitch walked into a daycare demanding a cheaper rate because it's too expensive. There's nothing wrong with her, she can work. Just refuses to work like our mother. She only 32. 


I'm related to a living breathing sponge.


I did warn the guy before he got married Haha. Now he's working his ass off being worn down to the point he fakes any illness to go to hospital just to get a break from the carnt.  

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21 minutes ago, I love kittens said:

Found out today my sister wants the government to pay for her kids to be in daycare while she sits at home and sponges of her husband. She doesn't work, refuses to work and was told she gets nothing.


Silly bitch walked into a daycare demanding a cheaper rate because it's too expensive. There's nothing wrong with her, she can work. Just refuses to work like our mother. She only 32.  


I'm related to a living breathing sponge.


I did warn the guy before he got married Haha. Now he's working his ass off being worn down to the point he fakes any illness to go to hospital just to get a break from the carnt.  


kick the bitch in the karnt



annnnnd anyway why do they need to be in daycare if she is at home all day!??

Edited by MBAF
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  • Puff
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Hey look at the bright side, my wife is a teacher in a child care centre so if anyone's kids end up with her, they'll be well taught and well raised. 


She reckons this is a fairly rare occurrence, but she also says that sometimes kids in that position are better off in care, because they are in a safe, secure environment.


Lol they also have a wall of court imposed parenting agreements so clearly there are plenty of idiots out there. 

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2 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

so clearly there are plenty of idiots out there. 


more than plenty and more so now with todays "entitled" society. Most of them are a scrubbers

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  • Is on holiday from communism
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She's a real self centered scum bag, he has kids to his ex wife. She complains that he has to pay child support, complains that it's her money and that he should only focus on her and the kids and forget about his other kids.  She even went as far as complaining about a calendar he put up in the house that his son made him for his birthday.  It's all about her. 


I tell her to shut the eff up and that she should be grateful that he does everything, bought a house, only one working, is renovating the whole house by himself and so on. Bans him from drinking because if you drink it means you're unhappy.


He'll leave her soon, I just know it. I'll be happy for him Haha, then I'll get to listen to her bitch about how useless he was and how hard life is as a single mother.  


For Christmas I bought her a sponge, wrapped it up and when she unwrapped it she didn't get it. I watched dave nearly sh*t his pants trying not to laugh.



That's what I said, her reply was, you don't understand how hard it is looking after a 3 and 2 year old.  She's just lazy and entitled.

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3 hours ago, I love kittens said:


That's what I said, her reply was, you don't understand how hard it is looking after a 3 and 2 year old.  She's just lazy and entitled


She cant be serious surely?? Happy to show her what hard is if she really wants...


no not my cawk, in before you pelicans ;)

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