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  • Puff
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If the voucher is redeemable online then that would be great but if not I won't complain.


I suppose I would prefer to pick out my own pen if I had the choice.

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5 minutes ago, BAXRTUTE said:

Something has changed on the forum, im doing it how I used to do it and even hitting spacs bar

If it doesn't have a .jpg (or something similar to that) extension, it's not going to work by default with the "space" or "enter" button-press methodology. You need to use the "insert other media" method (outlined here) if it doesn't have the extension.


Onto fluffster...

5 minutes ago, Frederick said:

...people are more inclined to spend actual money on needs rather than wants...

What people are inclined to actually spend their money on is irrelevant, as the cash still offsets the same value that the card provides from a "net value" point of view. As I said previously, it's hard to notice this change, but it's there.



...spirit of Christmas... the idea traditionally is to give a gift... socially categorised as... “it’s the thought that counts”... cash does not meet this criteria...nor one that’s likely going to be spent on anything the person would consider meaningful...

I agree about the tradition, but a gift card is not really a well thought out gift, either. Being vaguely interested and trying to be "better than you actually are", I think is worse than being fully interested and getting a meaningful actual gift. See above for what it's actually spent on. Either get a meaningful gift, and if you can't, then accept it and be honest about it rather than covering for yourself.



A) you thought about the gift and the persons likes
B) the person will spend the monetary value on something they want rather than need therefore meeting the “gift” criteria and the spirit of Xmas

Being vaguely interested, as above, handles point A.

Point B depends on what the person decides to do. They could still get something they "want" from wherever they want, if thye are given an amount in a medium that can be used anywhere, rather than at a specific location.



the money turns into a gift rather than a potential bill payment of necessity

Some people would consider "help with the bills" an extremely welcome gift, rather than superfluous spending money. In any case, cash facilitates the option to choose where to use the money, but a gift card does not.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Either way it’s up to the interpretation of the gift receiver, in which case you’re points and mine are both irrelevant.

But I know what I’ll get u for Xmas if I ever get u for secret Santa ;)

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  • MattyP
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Hi all
Apologies about the radio silence, Its been a long couple of months
Hope all is well, Still dont have the g6 back yet.
Also start my new job on the 24th so expect some updates in the thread!

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Going to organise a cruise to welcome back your car, I presume??


3 minutes ago, Frederick said:

secret Santa

secret santa haha, I have opinions on that, too... but I won't elaborate, unless others aren't sick of me elaborating already ;)

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