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13 minutes ago, Rab said:

Cash goes into the wallet and makes no difference in the long run

Pretty much. Considering I'd have to do a 60 km round trip to even spend it on something it would just go in the wallet with the $12 I won on lottery last time.


7 minutes ago, k31th said:

when you buy presents for adults without their input, you are buying something consumable or something they don't actually want

This is how I feel about it mostly. Almost every t shirt I've been given is not something I'd buy or wear in public and as such ends up being a gym t shirt.

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11 minutes ago, k31th said:

considering presents as an adult is ridiculous,


Not really

the old man gets an xmas ham and single malt scotch that he wouldn't have gotten himself or off his own bat

the old girl gets a full day at the Peninsula Hot Springs with brekkie/lunch with either dad or my sister that she wouldn't have done otherwise

Those aren't things they'd be comfortable receiving normally

On xmas day they're wrapped and that gives both them and me pleasure


15 minutes ago, k31th said:

adults understand the value of the present you buy for somebody versus the present you get from them and it's almost impossible to consider it only based on the actual thought


Not really

I may get socks and jocks this year - or a doonah/sheet set - or a bottle of hot sauce - or a voucher for a night out - or a set of tyres for my car

Not for one second do I do any sort of calculations of monetary value - the thought process in choosing the gift (if any) speaks more than the value of it


18 minutes ago, k31th said:

card/voucher systems are just a scam because it just gives the business you bought the card off some money just to give somebody else the "equivalent" of money which is more diffucult to use compared to cash.


Card/vouchers are fantastic for teens/young adults - I've found they start to plan what they're going to get with the gift card pretty much as soon as they are given it. 

For some cash would go on their bills/ciggies/booze/hookers etc - at least the voucher "forces" them to grab an actual item and lets them pick one they want.


With a voucher you're able to give them a narrower focus of where to spend it and lets them know you have some understanding of their interests ("Hey - a game for the console mum and dad gave you for xmas", "Hey - I know you want to get a decent ski jacket - go find yourself a decent one", "Hey - I know you've just moved into your own place and are starting the garden - go pick some nice plants/decorations from Bunnings")


Also lets them take advantage of boxing day sales - maybe they can find a 2 for 1 deal or decent discount, allowing them to stack the stocking a bit higher or get an item that would have been out of the budget otherwise.


Next time you visit - "Hey Rab - come play this game/look at the jacket I chose/have some tomatoes from the veggie patch we made"



38 minutes ago, k31th said:

Just call them and talk to them (or even better, go and see them) if they matter to you... for an adult, as far as I can tell, that's the best present.



I don't think there's a person that matters that I don't see/talk to regularly enough that I need to make it a special event for xmas lol, or that a visit from me would be considered a present :P

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just because you're a useless old man when it comes to actually having a productive debate :stirthepot:


40 minutes ago, Rab said:

old man gets an...
old girl gets a...

I don't see why they can't buy these for themselves if they actually want such items. But I see your point and won't go into the psychological undertone here.



wrapped and that gives both them and me pleasure...

This visceral "pleasure" escapes me as an adult... but I do remember it is a child. I wonder if I'm in the minority here...



Card/vouchers are fantastic for teens/young adults...
For some cash would go on...

I don't want to constrain somebody on what they "want" to spend their own money on.



some understanding of their interests...

This is the only part that I think could possibly justify vouchers.



lets them take advantage of boxing day sales...

Anything that facilitates a successful transaction allows you to take advantage of sales. Obviously it requires a certain level of vigilance to do so with your own money.



Next time you visit -

personally, I wouldn't really even want my gift to be a conversation starter because it implies successful causality... except in rare circumstances when a certain gift has a specific meaning or emotional attachment.



visit from me would be considered a present

This one is probably more related to how my family are, rather than the norm haha :P

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Isn't it great that we as adults can make decisions concerning ourselves and those around us that don't have to take into consideration the opinions of other individuals?


Maybe we should put it to a national plebiscite - 


Do gift vouchers offer a legitimate xmas present option?





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