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1 week to go til I get some down time :D


Xmas eve is a Sunday this year - bugger - I usually do all my xmas shopping on xmas eve


Doesn't look like there'll be late night extended shopping this year :(


Fuggit - everyone can get vouchers this year - screw shopping with the crowds.

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21 minutes ago, Rab said:

vouchers this year

Don't give vouchers (unless they're generalized eftpos gift cards), give cash :spoton:


link them to this video if they ask questions ->

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Morning folks :)


We did most of our kids and the wife's sisters kids xmas shopping online a month ago and just picked up a few other things at the shops a month ago as well.


I wouldn't give an adult cash as present and this is why; Most people have a job, own a house that could be paid off if they're over 35, own a car or 3 worth 50 to 150k and have savings. Giving someone like this (my in-laws) 50 or 100 bux is a drop in the ocean.


DM does online order/delivery and that works for me. I still spend the money but there is some thought put into it. Everyone likes a bottle of nice whiskey or port arriving unexpected at xmas time. ;)

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Cash goes into the wallet and makes no difference in the long run


Card/voucher gets spent on something they actually want, wouldn't have gotten otherwise and can consider your present to them.

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5 hours ago, tazzanz said:

It’s decided I’m going with Samsung

Hope I don’t regret it lol

Only issue I have with mine is it's too tall to fit in the average office shirt or cotton drill work shirt top pocket. 


Apart from that can't fault mine. It's replaced my work diary and organisor and my tablet when I travel. 


Then genuine Samsung wireless charger is the sh*t too makes a handy stand as well. 


Having said that I'm of the opinion of get what works for you. If you prefer apple get apple vice versa if you don't get an Android. 


It's not war and peace people. 

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6 minutes ago, Rab said:

Cash goes into the wallet and makes no difference in the long run


Card/voucher gets spent on something they actually want, wouldn't have gotten otherwise and can consider your present to them.

that's where you're being inaccurate. The money coming in DOES make a real difference, it's just almost imperceptible without closer inspection.


card/voucher systems are just a scam because it just gives the business you bought the card off some money just to give somebody else the "equivalent" of money which is more diffucult to use compared to cash.


considering presents as an adult is ridiculous, anyway, hence the idea of "no presents" works as adults understand the value of the present you buy for somebody versus the present you get from them and it's almost impossible to consider it only based on the actual thought, hence the same of "the thought that counts" being actually true (in most circumstances).


Just call them and talk to them (or even better, go and see them) if they matter to you... for an adult, as far as I can tell, that's the best present.


Everything else doesn't need a specific occasion or reciprocity to be a 'gift', for an adult, as they can buy or ask for the specific thing that they want.


Of course if you're a resourceful person, then making your own gift is an option, which can hold sentimental value on top of the "thought", but in general, when you buy presents for adults without their input, you are buying something consumable or something they don't actually want :)

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