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9 hours ago, Rab said:

Anyone know what's happened to Stever @discostig?

Seems to have disappeared.


I'm pretty sure Steve works for an IT outsourcer, so he's probably running around like the proverbial blue a**ed fly, as this time of year, everyone wants stuff done during the quiet time before Christmas and the embargo's that the data centre and communications companies like Telstra have.


These mean that no new equipment is allowed to be installed between mid December to mid January, so you can understand companies trying to get stuff done before the embargo's come into effect.


The other reason companies try put new equipment in now is because it's half way through the financial year, so they take stock of their budget's and buy stuff if they are under budget.


It also tends to be a big hiring time for the same reason, they see they have enough in the budget for hiring staff.


That's one of the reasons I'm not convinced the economies improving in Wait aWhile, when they talk up the number of jobs "created" after July, because the new budget situation means companies hire new staff which inflates the figures for the next few months.


Also there's information we've received from outside sources about 1,800 staff being made redundant (I think it's in about 6 months time iirc) when a mine in the NT which is mostly W.A. workers goes from construction to production.  We heard this about 4 months ago now, I have a suspicion it's Ichthys but like I said, we heard the news 4 months or so ago now so I'm not 100%

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A fews on car sales. Didn't see any cop chips though.


I heard you can download ecu tunes from BitTorrent.

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That's a fairly ({})y thing to do. Don't hold a grudge, imho. You decided to bring them into this world and you decided to take on the associated care and attention that that task obviously entailed.



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Not only am I going to wake them up but I'll screenshot this convo and when I wake them with a water pistol I'll tell them it's because of this. :nyaah:


See?! Haha they'll love it  :stirthepot:


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13 minutes ago, k31th said:

That's a fairly ({})y thing to do.


If the worst thing the kids cop as teenagers is dad waking them early then I'm tipping Puff's done a pretty awesome job raising them ;)

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