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7 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

I got chlorine dust in my eyeball hole the other day.


I'd heartily give that a big fat get farked/10 


I had a kidney stone passing through last Monday, the news I might have a damaged ring landing as the cause for the rough idle I've been trying to sort out for a while now and then hospitalized for high blood pressure on the weekend (234).


So last week was f*cked for me.


Plus the doctor said there's more kidney stones in my right kidney, so depending on other test results this Thursday, I might be even more broke from visiting specialists and having more tests.  I really do wonder why I have top cover with Medibank when nothing seems to be covered by them.

Edited by Ezy2Confuze
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2 hours ago, Ezy2Confuze said:

I had a kidney stone passing through last Monday, the news I might have a damaged ring landing as the cause for the rough idle


I totally read that the wrong way.


Thought kidney stone damaged butthole causing weird flatulence.


Hope top end and bottom end are both easy, cheap fixes

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4 hours ago, Ezy2Confuze said:

high blood pressure on the weekend (234)

Jesus! And I thought mine was high when it was 171/120 a few years ago...

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The highest I've had was 236 about 2 years ago now, during the Royal show long weekend.  I didn't realise I had blood pressure problems until I had a really bad headache on the Friday night, the next day it hadn't changed so we called dial-a-doctor and I was over 180.


However when I got to the hospital they checked again and I was 236.


They kept me in and every 2 hours they checked my BP and gave me medication to try get the BP down.  I was booked in mid Saturday and it didn't come down enough until late Sunday, so I wasn't released until mid Monday.


I'm currently on the highest level you can get, which is the 40/10/25 Sevikar - you cannot even get a generic brand for it, that's how high the dosage is - which I have to get the Chemist to order in specifically as they don't keep stock of it.

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