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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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I totally agree with getting rid of the young dumb asses with P plates who are putting themselves and others at risk.

The problem I have is when government bodies decide to change the speed limit from 100klm per hour to 60 on road's that have not seen a fatality in my 20 years of living here.
Then the police set up massive speed traps to catch people who they say are driving at ludicrous speeds.
Where as, only 12 months previous, they were just doing the speed limit.

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  • Puff
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Most of the roads I drive on could have the speed limit lifted considerably. 


I think the main issue with raising limits is the apparent inability for what appears to be the majority of people to drive correctly at the current limits.


Take Port Wakefield Road for example. It has a limit of 110 kph. So many times I've been held up in the right lane because some fool is going 95 kph in the left lane and some other fool is overtaking at 97 kph. Occasionally they'll just pull in front of me often with no warning or indication to overtake said slow driver while I have to get on the brakes due to their situational unawareness.


Imagine the road now has a limit of 140 kph and fools are still driving 90 kph in the left and overtaking slow as sh*t on the right. I could stop in time (most of the time) as I'm focussed and aware of my surroundings. I've seen plenty of people on their phones or distracted while driving and that's where bad things will happen at speeds that most people are considerably more unlikely to live through.


I don't think speed is the issue, I think it is more so the distracted and incompetent drivers that are the problem with driving fast.

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This just comes down to revenue and legislating against the small percentage of people that need to be saved by laws because they suck at life. 

The rest of us just have to wear it or vote them out. 

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  • Puff
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Pretty much yes and no.


I understand what you are saying (small percentage of people that need to be controlled by laws due to their stupid decision making) but I think you worded it poorly.


There's always going to be some dumb carnts who have to fark it up for the rest of us and yes the rest of us have stricter road rules to abide by. Ironically if you don't drive like a knob you won't notice these changes and they won't affect you much if at all.


Just changing your vote will do nothing. You have to get the legislation repealed or amended.


This means actually finding someone who will be willing to wear the public sh*tstorm that will come with changing laws that appeal to the masses that get their sjw boner from a biased media.


Then there is the issue of reducing revenue which no form of government wants and the inevitable backlash and disassociation from political peers that will soon see them in the same category as many disgraced or "nutty" politicians.


It'll never happen.


Anyways I'm off to eat some chicken.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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  • Location: Not in Cairns anymore
1 hour ago, Puffwagon said:

Ironically if you don't drive like a knob you won't notice these changes and they won't affect you much if at all.

I'm sure that if Port Wakefield Road that you travel at 110 klm per hour at the moment was reduced to 66 klm per hour you would be like, WTF???????????

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  • Puff
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No point in speculating upon things that will never happen. 


There's a big difference to the Captain Cook Highway and a twin lane national highway. 


It used to be 100 the whole way from Craiglie to Trinity Beach except for the Wangetti and a couple of beach stops. 


That road needs to be slowed down if it hasn't since I drove it dozens of times just over 10 years ago. 

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  • skids
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All I was mad about was the fact that the current laws rarely saw any repeat offenders.


I find it funny that some people are all for the tougher hoon laws but if I started talking about permanent seizure of the car for offenses that actually kill people some of you would realise that this is just a pathetic money grab.


I.e distracted drivers pose the biggest risk on the roads, how about permanently seizing the car of anyone caught on their mobiles?


at this point you realise that the current penalties are tough enough and the government is infact going full retard as I'll say it again: hardly anybody commits the 2nd and 3rd offense.


anyway I doubt I personally will get tied up in these new laws as I simply don't drive like that in the residential and school zones....or any public road of course ;)

Edited by skidxr6t
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