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2 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

due to lack of opportunity.

If this is the basis of your standpoint, then we differ here. I think there's actually less opportunity in unisex versus segregated. I don't think there's any information out there to back up either of our opinions on this, though.


Changerooms are a different issue and require different discussion points (some are the same, of course). We can go into that separately, if you would like?

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16 minutes ago, k31th said:

Would there be more or less of these in separated vs unisex?

I'm of the opinion that this would happen less in unisex, but it's only an opinion :)

Im with u kieth,

Firstly 50% more traffic as every person uses the same area, the likely hood of a male walking in to stop a act is more likely in a ynisex toilet then a girls bathroom.


Just to put it out there... almost every week a sexual assult happens in a public toilet now.... I havent heard of one in a unisex toilet ever.... that's just a fact to spin some heads lol

Edited by BAXRTUTE
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Youre still not acknowledging comfort factors... as women we have periods, boobs, babies, make up, Bras, all sorts of things that we feel more comfortable with not being exposed to a male in a change room or toilet situation...

Fact remains, and you're forgetting... u dont have to commit an assult to be a creep or a predator and make people feel uncomfortable.

As a person who has been 18 big boobed and blonde, I will say I've been made feel so so so uncomfortable by older men... particularly day 55-70 range in particular.... there are so so so many creeps and even a particular shops I wouldnt go near coz they'd sit and have coffee and perv on young girls ... I understood Italian so I could translate what they were saying.
It made me so uncomfortable I cant even tell u.... that's why there's no unisex toilets in shops etc... if everyone was a respectful person then fine... but they aren't... and because people.dont touch u or flash u or whatever doesnt mean they cant violate u...

And I aint even sensitive... imagine how a girly girl.would feel

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  • Puff
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I see your point and don't disagree. I also stick to my comment.


As for going deeper I'm kinda over it k31th. Like I said I'm on mobile so its a pita to even comment let alone look stuff up to prove a point. My stupid phone has the farken worst predictive text I've ever used. 


Imo there is fark all you and I can do as individuals to influence the education system in Victoria which is where I'm guessing this came from so we can only really state our views and move on. 


17 minutes ago, BAXRTUTE said:

Im with u kieth,

Firstly 50% more traffic as every person uses the same area, the likely hood of a male walking in to stop a act is more likely in a ynisex toilet then a girls bathroom.


That's a fair point Cris. We're not all farked. I would look after and protect someone else's kids or missus as I would my own. 


Edit: more so protect lol. Ain't nobody got time for freeloaders lol. 

Edited by Puffwagon
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3 minutes ago, Frederick said:

Youre still not acknowledging comfort factors... as women we have periods, boobs, babies, make up, Bras, all sorts of things that we feel more comfortable with not being exposed to a male in a change room or toilet situation...

Fact remains, and you're forgetting... u dont have to commit an assult to be a creep or a predator and make people feel uncomfortable.

As a person who has been 18 big boobed and blonde, I will say I've been made feel so so so uncomfortable by older men... particularly day 55-70 range in particular.... there are so so so many creeps and even a particular shops I wouldnt go near coz they'd sit and have coffee and perv on young girls ... I understood Italian so I could translate what they were saying.
It made me so uncomfortable I cant even tell u.... that's why there's no unisex toilets in shops etc... if everyone was a respectful person then fine... but they aren't... and because people.dont touch u or flash u or whatever doesnt mean they cant violate u...

And I aint even sensitive... imagine how a girly girl.would feel

I'm not forgetting that creepy people exist and that people will be uncomfortable in those situations you describe. I don't know how to solve creepy people, because, in general, it's a natural thing to be attracted to viable specimens and how that's expressed can be creepy... I don't know of a logical solution to that :idunno: . The way that I see it, the issue itself is far more inset than toilet usage. Cultural change is the most difficult... Is creepy old men a cultural thing? If it is, it can be removed for most scenario's over time


I think the whole boobs/periods/make-up/babies etc that you deal with, would be 100% fine to be in the a unisex situation, specifically because those issues themselves have stigma based around the current separation. If the separation didn't exist, neither would the stigma itself, imho.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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U dont have a period or boobs so u dont know lol.
I think you're assuming were all conditioned to feel uncomfortable about those issues when we actually just feel uncomfortable coz we like our privacy and feel vulnerable because of our genetic traits like smaller size etc.
Those aren't factors we can change therefore unisex environments wont ever become acceptable.

As stands... were not animals... I wouldnt want my husband watching naked women in a change room as much as I wouldnt want men watching me.

Doesnt mean its not natural... just means I don't believe in being a caveman.

Its all or nothing for me as stated... wanna do unisex coz its natural and the stigma has been placed around pooping and our bodies being different?
Then destroy the modern world and let's live back in caves, pass the women around like sex objects, get eaten by dinosaurs, live in huts etc etc u get my point.

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actually, I don't get your point... your grandiose statements go on tangents ;)


We're conditioned to care about personal privacy. If we were conditioned to give up a bit of that personal privacy, would it be such an issue? I don't think having unisex toilets causes any issue with personal privacy (cubicles will still exist).


Heaps of unisex toilets already exist, and there's no issues... so let's just do it, imho!


change rooms is a whole other issue, though.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Well the change room thing is stupid. Period.
The tolet thing... meh whatever.... I still think it's over pc and stupid.
Maybe I'm old fashioned lol.

I just dont wanna have to smell your stinky chits lol

Also id you genuinely think we're all conditioned to think about privacy too much then you could argue that about anything... were conditioned to think pedophilia is wrong?
Who says it is?
Was there a book we all got which said no on it?
Did God or some greater force or creator give us a rule book which says no on it?
We've decided as a modern society its wrong (some cultures havent) so when did we decide this and why?

Are we conditioned to think that's wrong too?

So then is it?


I am conditioned to feel that pedo's are scum bags
Just like im conditioned to feel like my privacy is important.

I want those to stay that way thanks.

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hehe, I'm glad we've devolved into that :)


scientifically, women's farts smell worse than men's... (based on a similar quantity of smelly gases coming from an on average smaller chamber = more dense gas = more smelly to the average nose).


trans people ruining our antiquated segregated toilet system hahaha.

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