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Mental health is a completely separate issue.


There's no evidence for either of your statements.

Sexual assault happens irrelevant of gender segregated areas.

The age of consent is arbitrary and largely ignored.

Drinking age is arbitrary and largely ignored.

Driving age is different all over the world. No system is better than another. Only proper education is something that makes a difference.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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A very small minority of people will care if all toilets are established as unisex. That small minority will get over it within a very small amount of time (at most, a generation).

Why though?
I'm sick of people trying to make genders equal.
Men arent the same as women, habitually, biologically, physiologically, you name it.

We're not equals, we're different.
Modern gender equality is bs and theres nothing wrong with having segregation between the two in certain scenarios, like toilets, for the younger of our generation.

Its like that crap survey they spend millions on every year saying women earn so much less than men. However the studies dont take into account if the surveyed employees were part time (eg a mum like me), experience or time in the job.

So basically for example myself whos part time 2 days a week earning 40k is compared directly to my counter part who is full time and been at the company 10 years earning 80k (even more relevant the roles are named the same but he's at a different location which reduces his earnings because of bonus potential. That doesn't play into it either.... but they still play the card saying I'm getting stooged...
My boss refused to participate in the survey as it was a waste of tax payer money and all complete bs. Even a new article about it as he's also in politics.
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So again the 99.9% or normal functioning humans needs to live by the .1% that are just farked and should be killed anyway?


Pedo's or farked up kids will still do farked things to others at some point, should we have cctv in public toilets?

And school toilets?

Or is that a case of personal space and rights to our 4th amendment?  

Sick of society having to live by the 1% that are a waste of space.

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  • less WHY; more WOT
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2 minutes ago, Frederick said:

Why though?

Everybody pees and everybody poos. Toilets are for peeing and pooing. It's as simple as that.


Gender segregation is an old idea that we've lived with for a long time, as a society. That doesn't make it the right choice in the first place.


Most of your other points in that post I agree with and are completely separate to toilet usage :)

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Everybody pees and everybody poos. Toilets are for peeing and pooing. It's as simple as that.
Gender segregation is an old idea that we've lived with for a long time, as a society. That doesn't make it the right choice in the first place.
Most of your other points in that post I agree with and are completely separate to toilet usage

that's not true... urinals require genital exposure inappropriate for a young child to see.

Get rid of urinals then u have somewhat of a point.
However I like the fact I can sit at the basin checking my makeup without a creepy old guy watching me.
At some point it's also about comfort levels and privacy in other ways. I adjust my boobs in the toilets... girls get this... men perv... id rather be in a women's only environment for that.
Same with the gym change room... we all have to shower...wanna make that gender neutral too?

If im still looked at weird for breast feeding in public when covered up but the guy next to me isnt for having no shirt on that proves we need separate places to do our business... toilets arent just for pooping
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I have always gone with my kids when they use public toilets.

Its a duty off care you make to them when they are born.

I have always run theory that you never get a second chance if something would happen or someone " farkn sicko bastard" was to tamper with them.

Just my 2c's worth

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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So again the 99.9% or normal functioning humans needs to live by the .1% that are just farked and should be killed anyway?
Pedo's or farked up kids will still do farked things to others at some point, should we have cctv in public toilets?
And school toilets?
Or is that a case of personal space and rights to our 4th amendment?  
Sick of society having to live by the 1% that are a waste of space
I see what you're saying but I also have contents insurance incase some a hole breaks into my house... u just have to deal with the fact our world's full of walkers
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  • Puff
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3 minutes ago, k31th said:

Mental health is a completely separate issue.


There's no evidence for either of your statements.

Sexual assault happens irrelevant of gender segregated areas.

The age of consent is arbitrary and largely ignored.

Drinking age is arbitrary and largely ignored.

Driving age is different all over the world. No system is better than another. Only proper education is something that makes a difference.

Mental health lies at the heart of this discussion. It isn't normal to want to chop your cock off and grow a set of tits.


Your comments appear to suggest that because these things happen we should ignore them when making decisions for society because they will happen anyway.  


There will be evidence of my allegation and if you really want it then look it up. I'm on mobile right now and cbf.


3 minutes ago, BAXRTUTE said:

So again the 99.9% or normal functioning humans needs to live by the .1% that are just farked and should be killed anyway?


Pedo's or farked up kids will still do farked things to others at some point, should we have cctv in public toilets?

And school toilets?

Or is that a case of personal space and rights to our 4th amendment?  

Sick of society having to live by the 1% that are a waste of space.

Unfortunately yes. I think the number of farked people that need help or shooting is much higher than 1%.


If just one person is affected by another person's deliberate actions then we need to address the problem. It is common knowledge that thousands of people are affected by the issues that we are discussing. 


Ps we don't live in America. We don't have amendments. 


9 minutes ago, Frederick said:

Why though?
I'm sick of people trying to make genders equal.
Men arent the same as women, habitually, biologically, physiologically, you name it.

We're not equals, we're different.
Modern gender equality is bs and theres nothing wrong with having segregation between the two in certain scenarios, like toilets, for the younger of our generation.

Its like that crap survey they spend millions on every year saying women earn so much less than men. However the studies dont take into account if the surveyed employees were part time (eg a mum like me), experience or time in the job.

So basically for example myself whos part time 2 days a week earning 40k is compared directly to my counter part who is full time and been at the company 10 years earning 80k (even more relevant the roles are named the same but he's at a different location which reduces his earnings because of bonus potential. That doesn't play into it either.... but they still play the card saying I'm getting stooged...
My boss refused to participate in the survey as it was a waste of tax payer money and all complete bs. Even a new article about it as he's also in politics.

Agreed fluff. I can bench your bodyweight in one arm and you can make babies. There is nothing in the world that can make us equal in those regards. It doesn't detract from either of our self worths and doesn't make one of us better than the other. We are just different.

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  • less WHY; more WOT
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2 minutes ago, Frederick said:

that's not true... urinals require genital exposure inappropriate for a young child to see.

Get rid of urinals then u have somewhat of a point.
However I like the fact I can sit at the basin checking my makeup without a creepy old guy watching me.
At some point it's also about comfort levels and privacy in other ways. I adjust my boobs in the toilets... girls get this... men perv... id rather be in a women's only environment for that.
Same with the gym change room... we all have to shower...wanna make that gender neutral too?

If im still looked at weird for breast feeding in public when covered up but the guy next to me isnt for having no shirt on that proves we need separate places to do our business... toilets arent just for pooping

As mentioned previously, urinals are only an issue if you're on a certain angle; you have to go out of your way to see genitalia. Obviously these aren't suitable for people with vaginas, but they're highly efficient at getting people with a penis in and out with a minimum of fuss so I don't think they're worth removing for the sake of "equality".


If you want to use a toilet for other things than peeing and pooing, then I have no solutions for you, but also no sympathy, as that's all I use them for.


Gym change rooms are for changing/showering. If these were unisex, too, I'm sure that we'd all have no problem with it (aside from a small percentage that would shrink with time, at most a generation worth of time, as mentioned before). People have enough of an issue seeing similar genitalia in these circumstances with the current setup.


The people who care about breasts out for breastfeeding are a dying percentage of the population, imho. They're a tiny vocal percentage and don't have enough influence to change anything and never will.


Separate spaces for different genders is just a social construct. If it were unisex everywhere from a young age, nobody would bat an eyelid if we made all current separations unisex. It's only that in our culture we're brought up with separation that it's an issue to make a change in that area, imho.


2 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Mental health lies at the heart of this discussion. It isn't normal to want to chop your cock off and grow a set of tits.


Your comments appear to suggest that because these things happen we should ignore them when making decisions for society because they will happen anyway.  


There will be evidence of my allegation and if you really want it then look it up. I'm on mobile right now and cbf.

My comments suggest that we should treat them by other means, not by gender separation/discussion. We can go into that further, if you want.


Mental health issues should be treated with mental health treatments, not legislation against possible actions of mentally ill people. This subject has a lot of depth, too, if you want to go into it.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so I'll wait for you to provide such extraordinary evidence. I'm confident you won't find anything solid on your points.

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