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what are you doing on facesucks :stirthepot:


It's a tricky issue. I only see one possible solution that will actually work - make all toilets unisex. Fact is, in male-designated toilets, there's communal urinals, essentially "pissing in front of one another". This can be avoided, if necessary, though.

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  • Puff
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Haha k31th you avoided her question. Good chat. 


Here's my take. Men/boys have a pen*s and women/girls have a vagina.


If you wish you were the other gender then that's fine but tough sh*t, you're not. 


If you believe you are then you're mentally ill. 


There is a reason that we have legal ages for sex, driving, drinking etc. It's because younger people are incapable of making informed decisions that may drastically affect their lives later.


I could go on but cbf.


Edit: I can say vagina but not pen*s. Sexist much? 

Edited by Puffwagon
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There were quite a few question marks in there... I know that I didn't answer all of them :)


Just for you, puffster; in order: 

1. All toilets to be unisex or if this isn't possible, use the toilet that you have physical genitalia for. If you're going to use cubicles, use whichever toilet makes you happy, imho.

2. No. Children cannot be sure of their gender, imho.

3. I don't know at what age gender becomes knowable. This is practically impossible to define, just like our current "age limits" and will be arbitrary no matter what number you choose.

4. 5 years old is too young to be serious about it, imho.

5. Thoughts on the discussion on fb; the guy is right in the fact that there's a "disorder", but that doesn't necessarily mean that it needs to be 'treated" like a disease, for example. It's perfectly fine to define it and leave it as is.

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  • Puff
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Awww thanks K31th.


1. Agreed. Except when this rule is abused and there is some horny dude jerking off in the cubicle next to my daughter. It is 100% likely this scenario will occur in some form. 

2. Agreed. That's why we tell them that boys have a pen*s and girls have a vagina.

3. Somewhat abritary but certainly not entirely. Genetic abnormalities aside, do you have a pen*s? You're male. If not then you're female.

4. Agreed. 5 year olds know what they're taught and use their limited use of logic to extrapolate imagined situations. Our job as parents is to define what is realistic and what is not. 

5. Herpes is fairly benign but we should still seek a cure. Without opening a can of worms I feel that an individual would have a greater quality of life if they are not in distress especially something as firmly ingrained as gender identity. To recap and be clear imo any disorder should be cured if it can increase the quality of life of someone. 


I'm all for sharing the same toilet as it means little to me. As someone who has been online since for a long time I'm not sure I trust that everyone would act in societies best interest while peeing/pooping.

Edited by Puffwagon
Spelling cos fark my phone
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2 hours ago, Frederick said:

Ok discussion time...

No issue with it at all, 

Clubs and pubs have shared toilets these days so no biggy really.


Only the farking precious whining crunts will be the ones to complain! And they can jog on anyway as they have a b!tch about everything.


51 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Here's my take...

U have sand in your vagina puff.

If drunk sleezbag men can be in the same bathroom as a bunch of 19yr old girls in a night club pretty sure at a school its gonna be fine.

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I think it's fairly logical to assume that if somebody is of a "do something illegal" mindset, then it's unlikely the signage on a toilet entry will prevent said person from performing the illegal act.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I wrote a reply 3 times and it got deleted by my stupid phone coz in the shower and the water effects the buttons.... flaw of waterproof phones wpmo

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  • Puff
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Character attack, strawman logic combined with a false dichotomy. The hallmarks of a great debater. 


We aren't talking about drunken clubbing, the topic is about whether children can define their own gender and whether it is suitable to integrate this ideology into mainstream society.


Would you want your 4 year old daughter sharing a toilet at school with 13 year old boys?

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I don't have children, so take this with as much of a grain of salt as you like.


I honestly would not care if a 4-5 year old prep-age girl was in the same toilet as a 18 year old 12th-grade boy. If there's no malicious intentions, then everybody is there to do their business. If only regular business is conducted, then there's no concern, imho. Good luck trying to regulate/legislate against malicious intent.

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