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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Puff... huds is normally pretty good.
I do the same type of thing. Or I'll sit down and explain why he's not doing the right thing... eg he is touching something he shouldn't I'll explain why he can't and offer an alternative

Jets kids are visiting for a month and let's just say they aren't parented back home th3 way we would. Theres a lot of bias and lack of attention to the middle ones due to a new child from a new relationship and a (im not even going to he politically correct about this ) wanker of a step father who litterally is completely illiterate and just an angry rude douche bag who has 0 idea about raising children.
This results in an already boisterous personality acting either super good and requiring an infinite amount of attention for it. Like litterally every 30 seconds asking for acknowledgement in a loud and imposing manner. Just being generally imposing, like asking ridiculous self explanitory questions or comments just for the attention.
Or worse, misbehaving for attention.
When spoken to makes out like she's done nothing wrong and is being treated unfairly. To the point she will intentionally act up before visitors come so she can cry a sob story about how she's told off to them which is filled with flat out lies.

This behaviour mixed with holiday chocolate and candy and all sorts has made huds unusually crazy.
I say that but he's not even half as bad as most kids lol I'm just strict.

But still with a new baby and all the stress it makes it ten times harder and the hormones are making me bite my tongue or else I'll just loose my chit at the child in question.

Grrrr... anyways

Stripes... your welcome bahahahaha.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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23 hours ago, .Stripes. said:

This is despite the fact half her sh*t is already in the house I'm currently paying the entire rent for...plus she stays here when I'm home and just buys the groceries.

Joke's on her walking home ahead of me though, I've got the keys...coz she doesn't get keys until she pays rent.

you need to chill a little Stripes.

you moved into your house so you could have your own space, with that came the cost of paying the rent by yourself.

your girl lives with her folks, that's her space for her reasons

She is hangin with you when you are in town, that's fantastic, obviously 

for her to buy the groceries is a bloody bonus dude, not something that should be expected.

as Fluff said below, its only been a couple of months, you can't expect a person to move in permanently so soon

23 hours ago, Frederick said:

Stripes... settle ya self... times on your side... if she isn't ready then let it be... u dont have to progress so quick. Its only been a couple.months...

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terrible 2's?


Just need to be firm fluffy and stick to your words, it works for me. Also need to get the mummy look happening so when you give them the look they know they're in the sh1t.


It was the silly season so back to normal tomorrow, kick his butt..........lol

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Oh he knows lololol... hes 3.5 now and he normally is completely reasonable and moved past the terrible twos finally.
He really is fantastic 99% of the time.
It's like when the middle kids are here he turns into a devil child and discipline doesnt work or reasoning doesnt work.

I know my mum eyes work though coz today in th3 car I turned around and u know that moment they freeze in mid air what theyre doing... well he had his arms above his sisters head about to grab her hair and I turned and shot him a mum stare and he froze and slowly retreated bahaha.

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Holly crap that's gone quick.

Yeah the look is better than words because they know when we get home or the car they're in the sh1t, love it!

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  • Puff
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40 minutes ago, Frederick said:

Puff... huds is normally pretty good.
I do the same type of thing. Or I'll sit down and explain why he's not doing the right thing... eg he is touching something he shouldn't I'll explain why he can't and offer an alternative

Jets kids are visiting for a month and let's just say they aren't parented back home th3 way we would. Theres a lot of bias and lack of attention to the middle ones due to a new child from a new relationship and a (im not even going to he politically correct about this ) wanker of a step father who litterally is completely illiterate and just an angry rude douche bag who has 0 idea about raising children.
This results in an already boisterous personality acting either super good and requiring an infinite amount of attention for it. Like litterally every 30 seconds asking for acknowledgement in a loud and imposing manner. Just being generally imposing, like asking ridiculous self explanitory questions or comments just for the attention.
Or worse, misbehaving for attention.
When spoken to makes out like she's done nothing wrong and is being treated unfairly. To the point she will intentionally act up before visitors come so she can cry a sob story about how she's told off to them which is filled with flat out lies.

This behaviour mixed with holiday chocolate and candy and all sorts has made huds unusually crazy.
I say that but he's not even half as bad as most kids lol I'm just strict.

But still with a new baby and all the stress it makes it ten times harder and the hormones are making me bite my tongue or else I'll just loose my chit at the child in question.

Grrrr... anyways

Stripes... your welcome bahahahaha.

Kids do need bulk attention and if they are narky while you're busy then you need to suck it up. Yeah it's hard but that's what we signed up for whether or not we knew what it would be like.


You can only do what you can to the best of your ability and know that in the event of a less desirable outcome, it's not your fault and you couldn't have done anything better to change it.


Don't let it be a thing between you and your husband as he will be dealing with similar issues, whether or not he lets you know that it affects him too.


Be a leader and be the best you can be. That's your job as a mum (as if you didn't already know). The children will learn from your influence, whatever that may be, despite their annoying attitude or outside influence.


Remember to take care of yourself too.


I know words over the internet might not mean much but you'll be ok.

Edited by Puffwagon
added: or outside influence.
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Oh I'm fine lol.
I'm just grumpy lol.

Thanks for the advice.
Its not major, just venting.
Jet and I always discuss things, we're on the same page, but u cant do much about it unfortunately when its a split home situation. U can only piss with the dick u have got so to speak.
We do the best we can when theyre here and just hope they pick up on our morals and influences as much as they can and learn.
Huds is just huds, he's gonna be a hand full forever, but a super cuddly loving handful who shows an amazing amount of love for his mum all the time. So I'll take the pros for the cons any day lol.

*edit just so we're clear im talking about a child whos not in our care all the time and massively suffers from middle child syndrome b3cause of her situation at home not with us... and I'd having to try and correct the behavior when she's here and show her positive attention .

This isnt a me and jet disagreeing thing just to clarify l ol
Ahhh the joys of parenting

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  • Puff
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Lol I kinda feel the same right now. Grumpy, sleepless and feel like an unpaid short order chef.


Hey even if you don't have a dick you can still piss anyway right?!


I don't spose you wanna have 4 kids for the weekend? They are all angels, I swear, and only one needs breastfeeding.


The joys hey? I spose I get cuddles and I love yous all the time so that's something.

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