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3 hours ago, Puffwagon said:

Rinsing out my wisdom tooth hole just now and a 2mm square by 1mm thick piece of sharp arsed tooth falls out.


Maybe that's why it's been hurting like a bitch.


@Frederick I met your hubby this afternoon. Seems like a top bloke.

Bluddy dentist, they work at a million miles an hour, charge like a wounded bull and still can't do a full extraction.

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  • Puff
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I'm heading to the er tomorrow to get it checked/ultrasounded/whatever and also get a script for something stronger than panadeine forte.


I've had to take 120 to 180 mg of codeine every 4-6 hours for the last week for relief. 


It's actually driving me nuts.

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Yours the worst puff. Going into hospital because you're put to sleep so they're a lot less gentle and just get in there and rip it out.


At my work we have dental once a month and about 15-20 people on the list to be done. No time to be gentle.


Morning all

Still without a fridge but they said it should be getting fix today.

ringing them everyday to see what is happening and nothing was getting done. We got the same answer every time.

The part is in transit and when the part gets to the technician he'll call you to book a day and time ,and our food vouchers? Will be send out after repair in complete.......BS

So yesterday we went to social media (facebook) and did a rant and how crappy the service is. Reminding them the fridge is only 5 week old.

Low and be hold some lady got back to us and everything is being fast track even food vouchers ($480) being sent out and should come today or tomorrow.

Pretty said that you have to go to social media to get anything done.

Edited by Pixy Angel
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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Morning peeps. What happening? Gotta grab a couple of Chrissy presents this morning and do some wrapping, then off to the podiatrist to pick up my new orthotics, then out for lunch with my folks and relies currently over from the UK. Then missus wants to go look at Christmas lights tonight if the weather is good. Farkin Christmas, makes everything busy!

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  • skids
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grrr I have to buy christmas presents too.


mainly the bit about parking at a shopping center that gives me the sh*ts. my car has earned a few door dents since I've bought it :(

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