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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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50 minutes ago, BAXRTUTE said:

3 in a yr? Da fark..... u got a pricking doc mate!!


My docs advised very early on that usually 2 is the max a patient can have in a life time as they dont help it anymore then the first 1 did.


In other words it doesnt matter if u have 10 or 1 the result will be the same.

If the first 1 doesnt work the rest wont either.

Clearly our docs and my rheumatologist have differing views. 


Looks leave it at that. 

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7 hours ago, BAXRTUTE said:

Average tbh.


Sciatic nerve pinching again and no options other then taking c5 out now :cry:


Had steroid injection in 2010 and cant have another.


Need a new career lol


Counts you out for a joy ride suckhole:wedgie:

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  • WOT?
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7 hours ago, BAXRTUTE said:

Sciatic nerve pinching again


Have you had a try of an "Inversion Table"?


I was pretty much horizontal for the best part of 12 months prior to surgery


I'd get up in the morning, shower and be totally wrecked after a <10 minute drive to work.


The inversion table pretty much "reset" the pain back to the beginning each time I used it.


Had one at home and one at the office to get me relief at each end of the journey (I had a fold out couch setup at the office - spent over 8 months working on my belly with a screen and keyboard/mouse in front of me)





edit: just got a set of these boots - should be far better than the "foot clamps" in the cheap tables to hang upside down from

Edited by Rab
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  • Puff
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I've had a little red mark on my neck about 2 mm in diameter for the last couple of weeks.


I thought it may have been a pimple that was taking it's time coming up.


I gave it a scratch last night and it started bleeding bright red blood. 


It leaked flat out for at least 15 minutes before it sealed up.


I accidentally scratched it again and it leaked flat out again for another 15 minutes.


I had to use a cloth to catch it as a band aid overflowed to start with.


Now I'm sitting here with a lightning mcqueen band aid on my neck wondering if I got bit by a vampire.



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  • Puff
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Nah no ticks where I live thank fark.


I have been taking medication for high blood pressure lately and it is still quite high.


The only thing I can come up with is that it is a venous ulcer.


I'm booked into the gp tomorrow so I'll see what they reckon.


It's only leaking about 0.25 mL/s so I should live.


It still gets halfway down my chest in about 5 seconds though.

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