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  • Member For: 15y 4m 21d
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  • Location: West Perth.

I had a good long laugh at this article, 5 years back the City of Perth did road works on Hay street and basically killed off quite a few businesses with how long it took.


As it is, Perth shop owners are complaining that the cost of parking is the reason 1-in-4 shops in the major malls are closed and visitor numbers are down.


The government are on a roll trying to move 1,500 government employees out to Fremantle, which will probably take a little more out of the local economy but will at least boost the Freo economy.


I once asked my friend who has worked for three government departments in the last 7 years why we haven't decentralized yet and was surprised to hear that the government did try it but staff made heaps of noise so they dropped the idea, originally they wanted some departments to go to Joondalup as they have decent infrastructure including dark fibre connectivity.


If they implement this new plan, I expect all it will do is cause less people to come into the city except for work and the shop owners are going to lose more business and go broke.




Not sure what happened with the double post, I clicked Submit Reply, it seemed to work but wouldn't show on my screen, so I clicked it again.


Then when I saw two posts, I clicked on the second one to edit it but it said I had waited to long.




What's the bet if they implement this, they'll double dip by charging us by the KM plus keeping the fuel excise intact?



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  • Member For: 9y 11m 1d

Im with you on the"generation want" thing Ezy. They want all the bling and nice white tiles for miles and stainless steel everything, but they have already maxed out there wages or credit cards buying crap for there rentals that there's no room  to save for decent deposit.

And the loans they need to satisfy there Facebook friends is so out if reach.

I say it a generation look at me syndrome.

Ahhh to be 41yrs old and so wise.:wwww:

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Mate im 25 and im ashamed to be part of my generation hahaha

Most of my.old friends are still parting and travelling overseas and then coming home and whinging all over social media how they cant afford a house and its the government's fault.

I'm all over here like... built my first house at 20, got 3 now... cheers lol

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Its always someone else's fault.


Sh¡t I still party way harder than I should, but it comes down to priorities.

Its definitely a different housing market to when I bought our family home (2000) But It's all relevant. Ya got start with a crapper and fixer up abit.

Baby steps.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I grew up in West mate.
10 mins to beach 10 mins to city.
My first place was in munno west in the middle of a paddock lol.
New build so the house was alright... but freaking far from what I was used to hahah.
U do what ya gotta do.
Woulda lived in a semi in Elizabeth if it got me in the door.

Entitlement mate...
Im owed this just coz.

You know what you're owed? A kick in the teeth ya little sh*t lol.

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I got 3 house one on 15 acres on top of a mountain the other 2 in Port Stephens and I started with buying a big block and owner building 3 town houses which took 4yrs to do as I built most of it myself with tradie mates when I had the funds to do so! I was 19 when I started and worked 16hr days for yrs!


Anything I get for free today ill take with a smile.


Im 36 now and my plan is to retire at 50 :dancing:

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  • Puff
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Ok off topic.


I spent some time calculatoring and I came up with this. I've no idea why it sh*t the bed at the last rpm point?


It looks like this is nearly a perfect match to drop into our ford rear housing.

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Droooooool. Mmmm turbo porn.


3 hours ago, Frederick said:

I grew up in West mate.
10 mins to beach 10 mins to city.
My first place was in munno west in the middle of a paddock lol.
New build so the house was alright... but freaking far from what I was used to hahah.
U do what ya gotta do.
Woulda lived in a semi in Elizabeth if it got me in the door.

Entitlement mate...
Im owed this just coz.

You know what you're owed? A kick in the teeth ya little sh*t lol.

Yeah fluff the west is pretty practical. Close enough to the city to ride a bike along the torrens then jump in the car ten minutes then at the beach. Henley or semaphore all really nice beaches.

To buy there now $500k to $750k.


But $250k-$300k is entry level which puts ya north or south only.

Gotta start somewhere...

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  • Puff
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4 hours ago, Frederick said:

I grew up in West mate.
10 mins to beach 10 mins to city.
My first place was in munno west in the middle of a paddock lol.
New build so the house was alright... but freaking far from what I was used to hahah.
U do what ya gotta do.
Woulda lived in a semi in Elizabeth if it got me in the door.

Entitlement mate...
Im owed this just coz.

You know what you're owed? A kick in the teeth ya little sh*t lol.


I pay less for my mortgage per week than most people working for the man earn in 2 days.


Upsides; quiet, dark at night, stupid fast copper internet, no traffic lights, 1700 m block, close to racetrack, moto track and fishing/crabbing, it doesn't matter too much when the kids destroy the place, easy going police, 3 bedroom roof over head with necessities taken care of and Coles deliver.


Downsides; overpriced everything, some khunts act like the rest of Australia doesn't exist and they're special for living in a small town, it takes half an hour to get to the hills, all the roads are straight, no 98 or e85.


I could have bought a "better" place but with the money we're saving now it will contribute to our long term goals.


I've lived in nice shiny places before buying and the roof, walls, stove and shower did the same thing as mine do now.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Droooooool. Mmmm turbo porn.


Yeah fluff the west is pretty practical. Close enough to the city to ride a bike along the torrens then jump in the car ten minutes then at the beach. Henley or semaphore all really nice beaches.

To buy there now $500k to $750k.


But $250k-$300k is entry level which puts ya north or south only.

Gotta start somewhere...

Yeah mate, in the next 4 years I really wouldn't mind buying a place (older and needing work) along the river torrens in Fulham Gardens or Lockleys somewhere there... close to the parents (theyre getting on) and with a bigger back yard.

Our current place is amazing.

Great area, lovely house.

My sister in law lived here and I said I'd be stoked if I ever owned something this nice with this view. But that was 5 years ago and pre baby boys and the need for some room to kick the footy outside and currently a 12.5x 8m piece of lawn isnt doing it. Ita a really great place, for parents of older kids.

Sucky I know we're up for $700k for something that resembles an old wog Palace (not reallt just basic old yellow and brown sh*tty brick bahaha, but we can do it up) down there lol. But its where I grew up and I love the idea of having more space and being so close to the city and beach and torrens walk as we walk that all the time.

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