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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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5 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:


My alarm goes off at 4:30am...usually argue with it until 4:50ish before I can actually manage to get up...pretty safe to say I'm not a morning person :thumbdown:





125% not a morning person either. Much easier now the sun is peaking throught the clouds by the time I get up. Really really sucks that anytime between 0650 and 0700 on a weekend is now considered a "sleep in". I swear kids under 5 are solar powered. As soon as they get a hint of daylight they are off.

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Just now, Ralph Wiggum said:

Much easier now the sun is peaking throught the clouds by the time I get up.

but I thought you supported daylight savings?


this is why I fffffffing hated it.


surely you voted against it? I'm only old enough to have voted in one of the referendums!

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I'd much rather have a couple of extra hours of daylight in the arvo. I'm getting paid to get up and go to work. I'm not getting paid to sit in the dark @ 1800 when I could be doing shit.

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2 minutes ago, Ralph Wiggum said:

125% not a morning person either. Much easier now the sun is peaking throught the clouds by the time I get up. Really really sucks that anytime between 0650 and 0700 on a weekend is now considered a "sleep in". I swear kids under 5 are solar powered. As soon as they get a hint of daylight they are off.


Yeah, after starting work at 5:30am for the last 6yrs it's changed my perspective on what I consider a sleep in. Previously 10am was a righteous sleep in...now I'm just stoked if I make it past 7:30am before I wake up. One of my close mates is onto his second kid now (2.5yr old and 9months) and he hasn't had a sleep in in over 2 years, seems to be a common theme with parents with young kids...not something I'd be particularly looking forward to when/if I end up having kids...

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I'm extremely lucky that my wonderful wife will give me an hour or so extra on either a Sat or Sun Morning as she respects the fact I'm at work before her and the kids are up most days.


However that doesn't stop Ralphy Jnr from sneaking in and (literally) prying my eyes open so I'll get up. 

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curious to see what you think happened before reading into it...

I know fighters dont really fly they fall, and rely on their immense power alot. He had started to pull out should have been enough time once he had the nose level/up enough to give it the berries....engine problem??
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you want to start this again, mate? "biblical truth" is belief... faith even... statements without evidence or any basis in fact... it's just as pointless as saying "the words in this book say x, therefore x is true".

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