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oh wouldn't the be fun. you'll have a field day. 


My 2 are still fast asleep. they may as well enjoy because end of next month 6am starts in the pool......haha

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14 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Speaking of education, my kids need to be educated that 6am is not the right time to be running through the house, into my bedroom, squealing like a pack of bush porkers up a tree.


Feel your pain mate, my 2.75 year old feels that 5~5.30am is the perfect time to come running in shouting.

Usually wakes the 6 month old who's still sleeping in our room so it's fun times...

Worse in the middle of the night though, they're both light sleepers so then they play tag team and can be a few hours before they're both down :headbang4:

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Bloody crash,
that's completely your right but none of what u said has been proven which is my point. I agree to say its ignorant to say god does not exist but isnt it also then ignorant to say he 100% does? Since lets be honest, u dont actually know.

And the whole bible, well u say that peoplw havent been able to disprove it, but theres been more disproven by science in that book than proven by it I can tell ya that. Even down to certain animals like camels not existing in the region it states they did... things so basic just dont add up in the bible.

I believe if god exists and even if jesus did exist in the amazing capacity he was said to have done, the the bible is just a recount of a story written years and years later on second hand information which made it a great read but has 0 credibility because of what we know science wise now.
The other issues are the changes throughout time to the bible... its been so mutated by so many people the version we have read as a modern society today is so full of crap and bias that we dont know whats true or not (if any) and those people could have thrown their beliefs into it whilst writting it.

Heres a thought, what if the writters of the bible, which we know were not actually around for jesus christs existance or saw any of it, made up a bunch of crap to shove in there like "dont lay with another man, dont eat shellfish blah blah" because those were their beliefs?

Is that not a totally concievable argument?

Youre 100% entitled to believe in a god, and who knows, you might be right!!!! But the book itself?.... if u cant see more holes in it than a pasta strainer then youre choosing to be naive.

francesca stavrakopoulou has sone very interesting scientific points
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13 minutes ago, Frederick said:

things so basic just dont add up in the bible.

morning, you're off to a good start this morning Freddie!


I just remember in school (catholic school) when they'd say 'and this person got stoned to death' and I'd start laughing my head off saying 'that's NOT SO BAD!!'


maybe we have the second coming of Jesus here:




or maybe you've actually gotta stick a P in the V to have a baby and mary was just a slut who didn't wana admit it? BOOOOOOOOOOOOM (I got suspended for 3 days for saying this in religion class)


3 hours ago, bloodycrashboy said:




western culture is formed on the basis of Christianity.

We enjoy the freedoms that come with that.

say wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh?

what about all the things where people can't get abortions? can't get condoms? man religion has NO PLACE IN GOVERNMENT AT ALL.


they should also tax the hell out of every church.


edited this post like twenty times now so I'll stop hahah.

Edited by skidxr6t
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  • skids
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I agree BAXRTUTE. A big thing in practically all religions is to get members into government.


there is just plenty of good and bad people in all groups and that's the most important thing for us all to remember.


I kinda associate christian/catholics/etc with pedofilia similar to muslims with terrorism. It's only fair.

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  • Dropping a turd
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I have watched many shows on it, the bible is just copy/paste from older religions. The story of Jesus and his followers is a common one



Edited by arronm
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