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9 minutes ago, skidxr6t said:

if its FG dont ya just swap them to the opposite sides for it to work on a B series?


wait, how do I know MBAF has a B series?


bit of piss farting around to make them fit and will be sitting higher, plus need to change the bleed valve and feed line from top to bottom when using the FG bracket


7 minutes ago, Pixy Angel said:

that's seem a little high. New or used?


used. low ks though.


haha. hows that all coming along now?

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32 minutes ago, skidxr6t said:

Amateurs. A pro would have it so the user doesn't draw a connection between the free USB drive they received and the malware.


Mate they don't need to be pro's that's the problem, there's tons of research from around the world on why people still click on dodgy links, basically it comes down to curiosity.


Look at how phishing and SPAM emails have changed over the years, AV has changed in step but they just got better at obfuscating the URL, so whilst the link says .nab.com.au when you mouse over the link it shows .nabb.com.au not to mention they are now so good at copying company web sites word for word to suck people in after clicking the link, no wonder people still get caught.


This is different, personally I use the "because people like free stuff" argument for why they get caught out, they don't think "hey some dodgy dropkick left a USB full of malware that will allow them to take all my stuff" it's more like "woo-hoo, free USB stick".    They only need to catch a few people out for it to be worth their while and USB drives are so cheap these days.


This is just the next step in an ever escalating war, it's amazing how much money is stolen per year through phishing, I've lost count how many times people shrug it off as if the banks will cover the losses, until I point out that no, the banks just pass the costs onto their customers in fees etc.


I said to one staff, if it's not 32GB's or greater, treat it like a trap, 32GB drives are still usually $20 plus, you can get a 6 pack of 8GB drives for $18 and you can bet these guys are getting cheap Chinese made bulk ones of a 100 or so for SFA.

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  • skids
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I agree, it really doesn't take much effort to screw people.


if it was me, would put like a months delay on the malwares execution so then the USB is plugged into as many machines as possible :)


the thing about low level exploits like bad USB is the antivirus can't search where the malware is hiding :)

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We use machines that have USB lockdown at the BIOS level.


We lockdown all but three USB ports (keyboard, mouse and headset for softphones), or for those people that have a wireless keyboard/mouse combo, one less port.


Three staff outside of ICT Operations have USB access, none of them are in Manglement, even the Devs. don't have USB access (I haven't met a single Dev. that isn't a danger to the organisation)


We've not had a single adverse score since I've been here (7 years next Feb) but the first two years was replying to outcomes from previous audits and going through 5 internal and externally organised audits, which made us well and truly sick of bloody audits :)

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  • skids
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  • Member For: 12y 2m 6d
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I still tend to think if theres a physical connection and powers on that this exploit I speak of (badusb) is able to work.


in this day with cloud storage it's kinda made USB's less popular - which is good.


I wonder who you work for, I've done fiber and copper stuff in a few datacentres in perth. maybe an isp starting with A?

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