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  • Member For: 15y 4m 19d
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I mentioned something similar to friends at a party recently, apparently that's highly illegal and as there's only one suspect as to who would have rigged it up, it ain't worth the hassle.



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Fight fire with fire, illegal or not... whats the little crunt gonna do? Run home to the cops and tell them he got zapped by a car as he was breaking into it.


If u catch him in the act and his over 16... beat 7 shades of shight out of him.

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  • Member For: 15y 4m 19d
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One thing I know from having Police in the family and friends that are and were Police, is that the little sh*t will be protected more than you will.


When you think of it, you have more to lose, such as your job depending on what management are like, vigilantism whilst some people would agree with, is frowned upon in general.


That's why I've been dealing with the Police.


Personally I'd be happy with an officer telling them to pull their head's in and it never happening again (I've seen that happen firsthand when two came in to my original workplace to see another staff member), even better would be a conviction so I can try get some of the money I've had to spend back.


I'm just hoping it stops for the next 6 months or so until I can get my own place.

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1 hour ago, BAXRTUTE said:

Just buy a second battery and connect an electric fence line directly to your car at 10,000 volts... just remember to un clip it before touching the car urself.


Did lol


54 minutes ago, Ezy2Confuze said:

I mentioned something similar to friends at a party recently, apparently that's highly illegal and as there's only one suspect as to who would have rigged it up, it ain't worth the hassle.


31 minutes ago, Ezy2Confuze said:

One thing I know from having Police in the family and friends that are and were Police, is that the little sh*t will be protected more than you will.


When you think of it, you have more to lose, such as your job depending on what management are like, vigilantism whilst some people would agree with, is frowned upon in general.


Couldn't help but think about your friends on "the other side of the law" you were mentioning the other day. Surely a little illegality wouldn't be too much of a stretch for them.

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  • Member For: 15y 4m 19d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: West Perth.

Actually I'm keeping out of that, some of the things I've heard about them I really don't want to know and I'm not sharing any of that info, especially on a public forum.


I know a few would be more than happy to get some justice, as they've stated they also had cars stolen or damaged.


They know I'm a little frustrated that things keep happening but I've never asked for help and I don't intend to, I actually intended to delete that comment but I only cooled down after editing expired.

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