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Its p1ssing down here and has beem since yesterday arvo. Flashing flooding and now where I live we have 1 road in and out my my town. If it continues no roads mean no work tonight......that's a shame!!

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I'm keen for drunk jeopardy, sound fun. Also, you both look to cook mean food...so there's that. Then hungover golf the next morning.

Also, cheers for the reminder about donating blood. My blood type is B+...so I should probably donate more regularly, given it's fairly rare.

In other news:

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Also, cheers for the reminder about donating blood. My blood type is B+...so I should probably donate more regularly, given it's fairly rare.

You'd think that would be the case, but the nurses at my local blood bank tell me it's more difficult to get stock of the more common blood types and most people with them think there's isn't much need as they are so common.

Also the rarer groups generally can generally only be given to same blood type whereas the more common groups can be broken down into plasma and platelets and used across many groups

I'm A+ (ie commons as big toes) and donate plasma once a month but quite often they will call me after two weeks (the min time between plasma donations) to ask me to come in.

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