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I would go over say hello talk about his issues. He would be waiting for a reply in writing and not expect you to knock on the door. Oh take the wife.

If he is unable to turn his head to reverse then he is unfit to drive. You need to turn your head to check for line changes.

When reversing you should use all your mirrors and check your blind spot.

Get a reversing camera.

Check if his car has reversing sensors.

And most of all if you park within the legal rights of the law, then tough titties mate.

Keep that later make copies in the event he does something you have proof.

This is why I want a farm a big farm

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Dear Arnold

Go Fuck Yourself


EDIT" CAN NOT STAND DOUCHEBAGS that won't come and knock on the door and say "g'day neighbour would you mind not parking there as I have a dicky neck and I'm concerned I might hit your car"

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  • I <3 Floods
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Actually pixy is onto something.

It's not your job to determine his fitness to drive.

But I reckon going to see him would be very effective. Mention that you only do it because family comes to visit and you weren't aware it was making his life difficult. Ask him where he thinks you should park instead. But most of all.. play hurt. Act like you are gutted that you have helped him with trees etc and he felt the need to put a letter in your letterbox instead of just coming to have a chat.

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When parked the wife's car would be more than 10m from closest point of his driveway, actually checked on google maps last night

Plus it's up on the verge

No you would not have issues

10 metres?!?!? Fark me does he drive a Monaro or a B Double?

If it was 1 or 2 metres - understandable. But 10? Cmon dude..... how bout you learn how to reverse before blaming your neighbors where they "legally" park their cars.....

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Definitely going to be having a chat

Would've done yesterday arvo when I got home but thought better to think it over rather than likely say/do something I might regret

My brother is pro-violence and suggested that if he was to be put in a wheelchair then he wouldn't have to reverse, got images in my head and made me lmao

Yeah what sorta pissed me off was the drivel in the letter, if he asked then I would've been more than happy to park further round/elsewhere

Apart from the fact I had stereotyped him in my head as a bludger who could easy get some sort of job, he seemed a decent enough guy

Don't think I could play hurt without laughing though nhasp...not that good an actor

Edited by camo86T
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Go over there and say sorry man didn't realise it was causing you such distress. Then dress the karnt down for not having the balls to come over and chat about it, wasting trees ect ect....

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Ok, so what's the consensus on seeing/dating an ex partner of a friend? Admittedly, not a super close friend, but basically I used to work with the guy and we always got along and catch up infrequently. They split around 3 months ago. No idea where things may go at this stage, but we caught up recently and really hit it off and have been pretty chatty since...but I have that underlying niggle regarding etiquette/protocol in such a situation. Wouldn't exactly go saying anything at this stage, given don't know yet where things may lead, but yeah...just something that's popped into my head...

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