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  • I <3 Floods
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  • Member For: 13y 7m 10d
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I'm attempting to get back into the government at the moment.

As a 'specialist consultant' (ie: Contractor)

Had an interview the other day..

they said 'Your hourly rate is quite high compared to the other applicants'

I said 'Pay peanuts get monkeys'

Probably not going to get the position because it is quite cut throat out there at the moment and everything governmental comes down to the bottom line.. On the plus side if they give it to someone cheap who f*cks it.. I get more money to fix it..

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Tell you what panda. Probably the best thing you could have Said! It does come down to money with the gov (I work for them) but if you get a representative on the board that has half an idea of the job, then realising you're the real deal and not just a get in get it done kinda person may snag you the job. I have to deal with contractors nearly daily, and to be honest like 20% do work that I would call even 'satisfactory'

No offence to contractors, it's just the industry putting so much stress on them to get work done quicker and cheaper I guess

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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 7m 10d
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  • Location: South West QLD

You are dead right. Where I work we actually had a whole of company meeting where the outcome was we had to scale down our quality of work to remain competitive in the current market.

I still like to think our quality and skill is far over most other places. But we don't win jobs with big fees because someone will do it cheaper.

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  • 777
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I'm attempting to get back into the government at the moment.

As a 'specialist consultant' (ie: Contractor)

Had an interview the other day..

they said 'Your hourly rate is quite high compared to the other applicants'

I said 'Pay peanuts get monkeys'

Probably not going to get the position because it is quite cut throat out there at the moment and everything governmental comes down to the bottom line.. On the plus side if they give it to someone cheap who f*cks it.. I get more money to fix it..

Sounds like a few people are in the same boat

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  • Member For: 11y 9m 14d
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  • Location: NOR Perth

Man this forum gets soooooo quiet during the day...

Guess everyone's busy doing the jobs their getting paid to do lol



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