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  • Filthy weeb
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My sister works in private health insurance. Had a bloke in making a claim. She puts the Code into the computer and it gives a description of what the procedure was. Came up with something about surgical pens straightening.

Imagine trying to keep a straight face.

Sounds like she has a bent face; needs surgery too!

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So the other day I was in the shopping centre and the old lady wanted to grab something from Priceline. Conveniently placed outside Priceline was a Homestart stand thingo. I decided I'd have a chat with the bloke there while the old lady did her thing. We chatted about my situation, he noted down my details/earnings etc and spoke about what I'd be chasing etc.

Anyway, had a meeting with the guy today and ran through my options. Turns out they have access to use a loan though Westpac to make up the difference if you don't have enough of a deposit for a house. The interest rate on said loan is around 9-11%. Apparently I'd be good to go using this method if I wanted to start building a house. Interesting...

Anyway, so I'd mentioned the private estate I'd been looking at to him previously...we looked at that and would end up too expensive. He'd actually come up with a pretty rad new private estate in a suburb I wouldn't have thought of, but is actually a pretty nice spot down by a river. A retirement village on one side of the estate, the river on the other...not bad. I was just reading about all the work that's going to be happening around there too and there's boardwalks along the river and all sorts planned, so sounds like it's gonna be rather nice once it's all done.

Anyway, so these blocks are a decent amount cheaper than the other estate I was looking at...and to be honest, will probably end up a nicer location. Total house and land price would be like $90k cheaper than the other area. Basically, there's an ideal block (15m x 30m) in the current release (stage 1a, so probably the cheapest point to buy into the estate) that will allow me to build a monster 4x2, which ticks pretty much all my boxes...all for under half a mill.

These blocks don't title till September...meaning I wouldn't need to start making any repayments until it'd settle in like October. This is actually really good timing for me, as I'd probably have near enough to a full deposit saved up by then, negating the need for the loan, other than allowing me to lock everything in right now. If I go this way then it'll get me into a house 6 months to a year sooner than if I wait and pay stuff off etc.

This is all without selling my car too btw.

So...who reckons what?

Edited by .Stripes.
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