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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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No I don't agree with the death penalty, it's not a deterrent, but I respect other countries laws and sovereignty.

I find the Death Penalty quite the deterrent, I for one will not A: Travel to Indonesia/Bali again or B:Smuggle Drugs whilst travelling to Indonesia or Bali.

Not because I want to stick it up them for Executing #ourboys but purely because I'm not prepared to risk it. If they feel the death penalty is more important the perceived tourists dollars that is their choice to make.

Besides If I want to hang out with a bunch of druggie bogans Adelaide is closer.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I would and have but I would/have avoid/ed the backwater states, which generally are the same states that still use capital punishment.

Re prison as a deterrent F' Yes im too pretty to go inside.

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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If I want to hang out with a bunch of druggie bogans Adelaide is closer.


last time I try and help you out................it's not ALL of Adelaide, it's just my town

and the area where Biz lives

and down south

and out west

yeah alright -------

You are correct sir :)

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  • Sucker
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Anybody remember the outcry when the Bali bombers where sentenced to death and executed?......no me neither.

No I don't remember it well, because most of them actually weren't.

I have no sympathy for these two knuckledraggers but Indonesia is a bloody joke. It's full of the most corrupt bent bottom feeding bureaucrats and politicians that are all about the image and playing it up for the media. Their new president is the most gutless leader in recent times and they should be ashamed of how he's handled it and been played himself by his puppet masters.

The most concerning part is our reliance on them for trade and also the fact that we need to keep a close eye on the maniacs for our own sake. They'll reinstate the ambassador without any fanfare after a few weeks, but it essentially means nothing as it's not like they are shutting down the embassy or anything. They did the same to us after they realised we were tapping their phones etc. but soon got over it.

I just hope like fck that the media will find something else to latch on to sooner rather than later and all the b-grade actors and Getup will find another useless warm and fuzzy leftie cause to sink their teeth in to.

I wonder how poor Shapel is going.

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