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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: SW Sydney

I can't help but think that shooting them will encourage more people to do sh*t like this in retaliation for them being shot..

Doesn't look or sound like that's the way its going to play out; no indication there has been any harm done to the hostages so doubt the police will do it the hard way

But if it was the case then the 'more people' you mention are more than welcome to take a bullet when they have their crack at glory

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 15y 5m 19d
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: SA

Giving the fckers exactly what they want.

Press and martyrdom , happy days.

Shoot the f*ckers anyway

I have the tv on at work (its meant to be there for the summer cricket lol) and there has been absolutely no other tv broad cast except whats going on.

I know ratings blah blah

but imo government should put a law on media and be able to govern when they can televise sh*t.

coz these scenasrios is letting them win.

it should have been another news item on like everything else and that's it. nothing special.

let the cops do their jobs and the whankers get minimal attention

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