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  • Sucker
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Great interview too...seems very bloody grounded too for his age.

Used to get the occasional hiding as a youngster and was never undeserved. Parents were friends with the school principal so after getting the cane at school there'd be a bit more later on...so we were pretty farkin well behaved at school.

Biggest mistake ever was hiding the leather belt that was the old weapon of choice. sh*t got serious when it was found again. :pinch:

Yeah there's the generational thing but you can't honestly say that things are not getting worse at an exponential rate. Nobody has any respect for anyone these days and kids pick up on that and it amplifies the problem.

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  • MattyP
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I thought about this today

Working in the public eye and traveling to these lower socio economic areas gives me an insight into the worst of the worst. The 10 year Olds fighting, drinking, doing graffiti, etc

But I also see kids giving up their seats and helping out other people and have genuine compassion and empathy for their fellow human.

You tend to remember the horrible more than the good.

Maybe this generation while flawed maybe isn't so bad

Maybe it's us who are wrong.

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  • WOT?
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Internet, social media, trash current affairs TV shows etc

20 years ago you'd only know about a couple of turds in your own neighbourhood and the occasional incident you'd see on your travels.

Now you hear all about all the turds in your own neighbourhood, my neighbourhood, everyone elses neighbourhood, as well as those in other states etc. And you hear about them instantly and every day - with someone carrying on as if it's "The worst thing I've ever seen", "OMG, how can anyone let their kids do this", "Click 'like' for police to do their job and stop all this" etc.

That said - the drugs etc that are getting through to the kids/teens are a lot more aggressive than back then. I think Ice is even overtaking mull in a few of the country areas etc

Yeah - every generation has looked down at the future ones and shaken their heads, but I do think that things are getting a bit more "raw" as time goes on.

edit: add to it the political correctness etc - a whack over the ears now gets the adult up on charges instead of an additional kick up the butt for the kid when they get home to their parents and young punks in the street are "troubled teens" now rather than "sh*theads"

Edited by Rab
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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
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When I was kid I did plenty of sh*t that if society saw it would be frowned upon.

now kids have facebook, smart phones and Internet access.

All their stupidity is recorded and out out for everyone to see.

Also kids have a popularity complex. They strive for it. They crave it like we crave horsepower. In my day it was about friends you had. Now it's about "likes" and views.

How do you get most views?

Usually something shocking like giovanna plow man.

kids are always going to be little terrors and do and say some really really incredibly stupid and dumb sh*t.

Now it's just accessible for everyone to see

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  • I <3 Floods
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I'm curious.. Will check that out..

Too lazy to hunt other threads:

Brisbane rush hour pissed me off..

Stupid little convertible BMW that cut me off also pissed me off.

Realising my spotties were level with his rear view mirror made me feel better..

Watching him almost snap his mirror off to get it out of his eyes was priceless..

Missed my flight then pissed me off..

Getting booked on another one made me feel better.

The wallet pain made me feel bad..

Passing the pain onto my boss next week will make me feel better (his fault I missed it!)

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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The f***n sprinklers just randomly turned on in the grassed area at the airport...I was practically sitting on the sprinkler at the time...awesome...I'm not wet and cold now at all...

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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I'm curious.. Will check that out..

Too lazy to hunt other threads:

Brisbane rush hour pissed me off..

Stupid little convertible BMW that cut me off also pissed me off.

Realising my spotties were level with his rear view mirror made me feel better..

Watching him almost snap his mirror off to get it out of his eyes was priceless..

Missed my flight then pissed me off..

Getting booked on another one made me feel better.

The wallet pain made me feel bad..

Passing the pain onto my boss next week will make me feel better (his fault I missed it!)

Loling at my own smugness knowing my mirrors auto dim.

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