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  • I <3 Floods
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Hey biz mate..

Can be gunk held in by the ear getting slightly deformed while trying to be shoved out a tiny hole.. Can actually take quite a while for the shape of the ear to be alright enough for the gunk to get out..

All the best bud.. It's heart breaking when you can't do anything for them..

If you ever need to talk about kids growing up with hearing difficulties hit me up.. I've lived with next to no hearing most my life..

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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its just sucks. myself I was born with kidney failure 2 weeks before my due date. they managed to save my life and the kidneys with a lot of surgery and tlc. I know its only hearing and things could be worst. but after talking to a few people and my old mate google I have read and listen to a few stories and I should be on the good side of things. just alot of my friends and family have had a few babies recently and it's amazing how many problems have popped up in the last decade. scary actually.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Yeah mate it is..

My little fella was a special care nursery kid.. As were a couple other blokes here..

I'd never say 'it's only hearing' though I guess the good thing is the little ones learn to live with their hearing and they never knew what it was like before..

Have you been referred to neurosensory for another test?

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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I didn't mean its just hearing. when they told me my stomach hit the floor and I actually teared up.I ment it could be alot worst. my bad panda. by the way got a sick panda one sie for him. im going back early tomorrow morning and they are going to try another test and maybe give it a week and see if it improves. still pissed I cant stay there with ms and jr biz.:(

so I have to have a few bundys with the dog at home.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Hey mate no real advice but we will be thinking of Ya...

Friend of mine nearly lost his little guy to meninga menangitis a fee months ago...

Unfortunately his little guy (same age as Hud) picked up the virus from an unknown source and has now lost hearing in one ear from it... Not an entirely bad outcome considering they were telling him and his wife to sort out funeral arrangements a month ago.

It's so scary ... Until u have your own you never understand the love and effect it has on you and as much as u think u can never love them more then you do right now... Somehow you love them more. and more every day.

Welcome to parenthood dude... I really help all works out... Keep us in the loop Ye.

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  • Sucker
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Congrats on the new arrival Biz, sorry to hear of the current concerns though mate.

You can rest easy that the technology around these days can overcome just about anything, and like Panda mentioned dealing with things like that from infancy is minimal fuss because he knows no different. But fingers crossed it comes good as it most likely will.

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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so ture hay. I said I would never have kids now me and the wife have had jr. sh*t its only three days but miss him and emma each night when I get home and they are both not here. all I want is the best for both of them and if it takes awhile so be it. got the next 4 weeks off so yea.... cant wait until there both home and well.

edit sorry tab its a reply to fluff.

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  • I <3 Floods
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It's funny how they worm their way in like that.. I hated getting kicked out of the hospital at night.. But next morning I was there waiting for the doors to open..

Tab is right though. Technology for ears is friggin unbelievable these days..

Grade 3 I used an FM kit which was a mic on the teacher which fed to a receiver which I wore on my back (yeah it was that big).. Which fed to my hearing aids so I could hear the teacher..

Now I have hearing aids which I can stream music to directly from my computer that you can barely see I am wearing.. And I have a mini mic I can leave anywhere in the office and listen in on people's conversations from afar,. I mean I can put into the middle of a conference table so I can hear what's being said. And the best part they are completely controlled from my iPhone..

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And if its any consolation - Fiona has a girl in her class who is deaf in one of her ears, and all of her other pupils just remember which side is good and which side is bad. They never pick on her, never give her a hard time, nothing. Beautiful. I made the mistake of attempting to speak to her in her bad ear, and her friend very politely told me "speak in her other ear mr shrek!" and all was sweet.

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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just was on the phone to her sister in law and had a long chat. she helped alot with the hole deal. iv had like 13 hours sleep in four days. it takes its toll. cheers panda, tab, fluff, ms, spy.

I guess im just a new dad and jr didn't come with a instructions manual:lol: so with what's happened with the wife and jr im just a bit lost. my parents and family are on holidays too so I have no imitate family close by to help. just her family which half are a bit out there. but at least her sister in law is giving me a helping hand and being a great help even though she just had our niece 4 weeks ago. she is amazing.

cheers guys ill sleep a little better tonight with the comments and stories you guys and girls have shared tonight.

this has to be the first time I have ever shared my feelings like this before so cheers for your help guys.

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