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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Disabled can stay... Boats can I <3 Bananas off lolol


Cannot believe that bananas crap is still happening lol

Edited by Princess Fluffy
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  • I <3 Floods
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I agree raband..

While I am an LNP supporter generally I will swing a vote if I think one sides policy is better for me than the others.. (Mainly infrastructure spending).

But yes I hate the staunch supporters of whoever the opposition is that adopt the whole 'well I didn't vote for them attitude'.. I especially hate those people who believe the negative publicity of things in the media and assume the government has f*cked it up.. They don't see what goes on behind the scenes or understand that a lot of those decisions aren't made on a whim or feelings (and quite often aren't made by the actual politicians at all).. There would be stacks of business cases, reports, briefs, market analysis, economic benefit analysis etc going on behind almost every decision..

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  • WOT?
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Well said Panda.

My favorite is when the current government announces plans that are met with glee from some people.

The next government in starts to implement those plans and it's met with outrage by those same people ;)

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  • I <3 Floods
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A very good bloke I worked with lost his job for that..

Labor government funded and got a big project off the ground.. The job was finished under the Newman government..

He appeared in the news shaking the ex-labor ministers hand (basically the dude that spearheaded the whole thing to get the project goin)..

When he got back to the office he had an email from the premiers office recommending he stand down immediately..

Even governments think the last governments good ideas are bad ideas..

I imagine the world would explode if one day the liberals and the Laborites actually agreed that something was for the best interest of the country..

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  • Sucker
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The whole system is fcked up, opposition by it's very name is always playing negative nancy.

And the unions and greens can go root a boot. The sh*t that they come out with is so misguided and twisted but plays easily in to news bites so quite easily obtains them a few more stupid disciples.

Look at the whole fuel excise thing for example. That wanker Bandt was carrying on about how the government subsidises Rinehart's fuel which is so unfair when the poor struggling two-toothed single mother with a dozen kids has to pay full price. Completely lacks any perspective or understanding of the whole excise system and the fact that it's meant to tax on-road vehicle use - not in a fcking mine or a paddock. Every nation in the world does it in one way or the other, either through selling at two different rates or selling all at the same and refunding as we do, yet throw Rinehart in to the equation for a bit of hysteria and watch the headlines write themselves.


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  • WOT?
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  • Member For: 12y 8d
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

Could not agree more.

It's so easy to take a single item and blow it out of proportion if you don't take into account the dozens of other pieces that it's tied to. Or stand on a single platform/agenda/policy and just criticise the rest.

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  • I <3 Floods
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  • Location: South West QLD

The reason I think sick days are bad for me..

Had breakfast of toast..

Then cooked pancakes for morning tea..

Then had cheezels..

Then just had fish and chips for lunch..

Now thinking I really should do the dishes..

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