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Would imagine the cars have at least rudimentary telemetry (or is that just for TV or not logged?) that would have allowed the teams to know if they were wrongly penalised?

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They would but its the same as arguing with the gun, the official equipment over rules. You would probably need to prove their equipment to be faulty rather than your data being correct, and it would be post race in any case so not worth the effort. That's even if the teams are able to dispute this sort of thing. I think the teams have 3 laps or maybe 5 to dispute a drive through so realistically once its served the damage is done. Beyond binning the results of the weekend and doing it all again there is no way the teams and drivers could be compensated. IMO anyway.

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Well to be fair it's not like the race teams are full of muppets so they'd know where the induction loops in the ground are and they'd know before the race how fast you are supposed to get from A to B induction loop..

Calculate in corner cutting.. You'd be feeding the driver accurate info.. My guess is they thought it was on a curve so they attempted to push the envelope and got stung for it.. Haven't read about any of the teams arguing the punishments..

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This is true SDP and I don't think for a second I know more than the flock of engineers in pit lane and I'm most likely not the only only one to have questioned the validity of this particular setup. You could also speed in the first half of the trap and then slow way down which is still speeding that you wouldn't get away with on the gun. The trap setup is the way to go but better equipment and more frequent timing points may work better.

But I cannot argue that the lack of dispute from the teams appears to be an admission of guilt so you guys are probably right.

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