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My theory was always expect to pay and only ask for fuel money if you didn't want to see her again..

Though typically the decent girls wanted to split the bill or pick up the movie tickets so as to not appear like a freeloader (or retain their independence whatever fancy spin they put on it these days).. It was almost the same conversation everytime:

'I'll go pay for dinner and we'll head off'

'Oh let me pay for half'

'No it's fine I don't mind'

'Okay well I get to pay for the movie'

Now if said conversation didn't happen I would drop her home and tell her next time if she wanted to chip in towards fuel it'd be great..

I never mind paying.. But if they expected me to pay then it was a different story.. Same with if girls ever discussed income/salary levels on a first date..

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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I reckon the third date/meal they should be stumping for the dinner - the first 2 they can offer to split bill etc, but it's easier just to pay the bill myself. If she's decent she should offer on the third and it would be on to let her - she knows your more than happy to pay the way, but can retain her independence/dignity as well at this time, while you're still the gentleman. At no time, however should she be the one opening the door for you ;)

"You can fix up next time" is a decent way to deal with the "who pays?" question at the end of the meal and open the door to another evening - one where the question is already sorted.

Third date???

you're doing it wrong

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  • WOT?
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Haha - am happy to pay for dinner twice if I'm getting some.

After that I figure she's hooked and can foot the bill.

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  • Sucker
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Harrased Panda's guide to dating...

Do you fck on first dates

Does your Dad own a brewery

Could I feel your tits

Or would you show 'em to me

Cause you've got a nice head

And you look pretty honest

So me face'll be leavin' in quart of an hour

I'd like you to be on it

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Let the b itch pay

Maybe that's why I'm still single though

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