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Dogs used to be friends with everyone in the street. I wonder if this isolation is not causing more problem than it is solving.

Not a big fan of have a law and fine system for everything that we as humans do.

My current dogs will be my last. The joy has been taken out of it for me.

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Yeah SDP, I see where your coming from and I cant argue.<br />I'd never had a problem before, but since that NYE I'm overly cautious. (Bugle screwed the sh*te outta the middle of the panels).<br />He's never done it since, but there's also always someone here to look after them if there's fireworks.<br /><br />As you said, the only way he'd hurt a human is by playing too roughly (23 kg staff playing is a bit much for kids, although my 3 yr old niece shows him who's boss!) <br />I'd be spewing to cop a fine and absolutely distraught if he did damage to anyone/thing, but I still think bar that one time in 6 yrs, they're well secured.

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"<br />" tags are HTML for a "Line Break"; it's like hitting the "enter" key and it only going down one line (sometimes hitting enter goes down two lines) and then beginning the section after the tag itself on a new line :)

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Roger that K13th. Still not sure what we're talking 'bout though.

I'm not the most tech savvy individual ;-)

Edited by D DUB
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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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What he is saying (I think) is.......the br tag is used to start a new line when writing html - the code (language) that websites are written in.

As posts in a forum such as this are included as soon as you hit the send button, the webite uses another internet language called php to interpret what you have typed and following a predetermined code, will load that into the page and onto the screen. ....... .but when you hit the send button, something probably f'ed up as it was writing it to the page and instead of starting a new line, like it should of done, it forgot what the br tag does so it just wrote that as well as your text

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

Great news Biz.....you no what color to paint "his" room now

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