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Fair point, but with liberal we are still spending 25bil on something that will be crap even for the people who DO have access.

Imo if we're going to spend the money we may as well do it properly.

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I am looking at who is going to make my job more secure Long Term. If business does well then employees do well. A mixture of both parties is good as it keeps businesses honest. NBN is purely a luxury IMO. I don't see it keeping my friends and family out of the red.

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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I live in the land of sir/lord/king Katter, last election the TAB wouldn't take bets against him. The loudmouth git has has the balance of power for the last few years and given us nothing. The other independents got a mile of stuff through to bebifit their electorate, Katter doesn't want this, he thrives of crying poor. The big bad parties won't give us hard workers a fair go, same rhetoric every time.

At least my senate vote might count for something

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Yaaaaaaaa............^^^^it's not about politics

Looks good

nice and new and shiney

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  • Sucker
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Katter & Palmer are just new-age versions of the greens. They get the votes by yelling loudly which attracts people that are sick of the usual crap, but there's no chance in hell they could ever form a functional government in their own right so they don't have to really worry about the whole picture.

...un-biased comparison

Not sure if that was a joke or not? Or are you just calling it un-biased because it conforms with your point of view?

In my opinion both versions of the NBN are an extravagance that we don't need right now. Yes it'll be awesome but far from a necessity.

But what is an absolute farkin joke is the fraudulent way the NBN has been handled. No target at any stage of the development thus far has been met or even come close to being met, and the yearly report that NBN Co. have to give to the government has been sitting on fckface's desk but still has a draft stamp on it so it can't be released - if I were a cynical bastard I'd probably suggest that it's being suppressed until the election is over as it contains even more bad news.

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  • Spooling Member
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  • Member For: 13y 2m 18d
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  • Location: Blue Mountains, NSW

Definitely a joke haha, just a hilarious website.

I see what you are saying about it being a luxury at the moment, but with the rate of development and expansion with technology how long is it going to be untill it IS a necessity?

I'm not saying the NBN is the right thing to do now, I'm just saying that the liberal plan for it is utterly stupid given the amount of money spent with far less than average results.

1 30th of the speed for 1/3 saving on the cost..

By 2020 or whenever they have said it will be done for everyone there is no way, in my opinion, that those kind of speeds will be anywhere close to what is needed and we'll have to fork out more and more money for the infrastructure that should have been done in the first place.

People with foxtel cable in their street are already capable of 4 times the speed of the liberal nbn right now...

I don't particularly like either of the major parties but that is enough to at least sway my vote one way.

Just my opinion though :)

Still putting a big 1 next to AMEP in senate ;)

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