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Blokes get an EBA automatic $1.50 per hr every 6 months

Talk dollars or % once and lock it in for 2/3 years

Set and forget

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Sdp, you could also say a smart business man wouldn't be oblivious to the fact that as the years go by, the number of fukks given decreases and therefore an automatic payrise would boost morale and increase productivity.

I meant recognition not automatic. But automatic is also good for large corporations.

Edited by Paulie2256
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  • Sucker
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And that's why everything is going to sh*t J@, look at what Ford & Expensive Daewoo employees are getting for a classic example of what makes places go belly-up. Poor little Expensive Daewoo workers might get their paid lunch breaks shortened by 14 minutes, that'll throw the cat amongst the farkin pigeons.

I've never sought a pay rise myself.

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  • Gold Donating Members
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Everything goes up by 5% each year, so should the salary

Fairly simple, because I dont see much coming down

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  • Sucker
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No actually, everything is going up by about 2% per annum at the moment (depending on where you are, some states are lower).

It's a bit chicken vs. egg. Higher wages drive a higher cost of living which then pushes the desire for higher wages.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Yeah I'm aware of that.. But I also agree that it's pretty hard on the average punter (take this company for example) who gets a 2.0% payrise guaranteed, but they then take the 0.25% super increase out of the payrise. So then these blokes have to go hat in hand and ask for a performance based raise..

In my books there should be a performance review system in place that either pays a bonus or determines the next years income levels..

Personally I'm not stupid.. My asking for a pay increase is solely monetary, not exactly work effort based. So for the last two years I have been 100% chargeable in my work (except for a couple small holidays), work makes my overtime rate x 4.5 for every hour I work on a project and can bill the client for.. My theory is even 4x my overtime rate the company is making a tidy turnover..

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  • Sucker
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I’m not at all saying that people should strive for higher wages, what grates me is unions using heavy-handed standover tactics that absolutely fck-over business and governments because there is often no alternative than giving them what they want.

Some of the conditions that come out of EBAs or the like are farkin unbelievable. Many places have folded over the years and a few are either going through it right now or outsourcing everything to the injans. Nobody wins out of that.

As for yourself Panda go for it...got nothing to lose and everything to gain. I've never asked because I have always got a decent salary, and know that because I've been in the position to see what everyone else is getting paid too. But also being in that position has it’s downsides because it’s unethical to use that knowledge as a bargaining tool in any case.

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