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looks goood now

just wondering what happens in 5 or so years time, when that machine goes kaput, and they dont make them anymore...

will look superb with a empty space in ya kitchen

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 26d
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^^^^ dont work nightshifts im assuming?

Sometimes but usually rely on coke and then when that wears off I take a nap.

Sadly enough, until I got a government job I never needed coffee.. Now I can't function without a piping hot coffee or five at the start of the day.. Then there is the glorious poo that like clockwork comes after coffee number two..

I know what you mean, everyone in here is a coffee addict. One person even has their own personal coffee machine with warnings written all over it, something about witchcraft if you touch it or something. Her team is weird though, one guy doesn't wash his hands after taking a dump, and he knows I know.

If it tastes like crap your doing it wrong

Clearly, recommendations?

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  • Member For: 15y 1m 16d
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Those things do make some nice coffee. Ive got my grinder and maker, pity everytime I buy one at a shop it just seems average now. Takes time to get settings right to make a good coffee though. I manage to control myself and have no more than 2 a day.

Even managed to get bean machine at work but its still no match.

And SDP I know what ya mean about that clockwork, its quite handy for timing a poo during the day.

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  • loitering with intent
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Funny quote from Jack the Insider of the Australian describing a fellow journo as being in an

"advanced state of refreshment"


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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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Fkn oath.

Just get a red paint pen SHP. Go round and put a cross on everything that needs to go and let some other sucker do it for you after it's no longer your problem.

I'm the only one in the office or else I would

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